100th Regiment seeks new recruits in Ottawa, just like in 1808

Newspaper clipping from the Canadian Gazette, January 1808.
Newspaper clipping from the Canadian Gazette, January 1808.


Here’s a real throwback. Just like the regiment’s newspaper advertisement in January 1808, the 100th Regiment is once again seeking new recruits in the Ottawa area.

You do not need anything to start and its free to try with no obligation to join. Shoulder a musket, play a drum, play the fife, or maybe take on another role. No experience necessary.

Private Soldier: Wear a red coat and learn the British foot & arms drill of the Napoleonic period and how to handle and safely fire a musket.

Drummer (drum or fife): Wear a deep yellow coat and play the regiment’s duty calls along with a variety of popular music from the period.


Who We Are
Established in 2013 and based in Ottawa, we recreate the 100th Regiment during the 1813 to 1815 period. We are all volunteers who enjoy history, re-enacting, meeting new people, and having fun.

Throughout the year, we take part in regular training and attend community events, parades, heritage days, and battle re-enactments. The majority of these events are in the Ottawa area however we do travel to attend events in other parts of Ontario, Quebec, and New York State.

How to Join
It’s easy to get things rolling. Just give us a call or send an email about your interest in the regiment. Once you have spoken to a member of our recruiting party, you will be invited to attend a practice.

Enlistment in the regiment is open to all able-bodied men and women willing to take on the challenge and who meet the necessary requirements. Members who are at least 18 years of age may participate fully in regimental activities. Youth members have some restrictions and must be at least 15 years of age with parental approval to join.

New members begin as either private soldiers or drummers and with training and experience have the opportunity to be promoted.

More information can be found on our website at recreated.100thregiment.org . You can also contact Ken at 613-831-8207 or William 819-209-0711

100th Regiment



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