“Make no mistake, this is a tight budget,” Mayor Mark Sutcliffe told council as he presented the first draft budget of his term on February 1, 2023. The draft budget with $4.5 billion in operating costs and $1.06 billion in capital costs, includes a freeze on transit fares and a 2.5 per cent property tax increase for residents.
The Mayor said, “staff have also identified $54 million in “savings and efficiencies” that mean programs and services won’t need to be cut”. However, he did state that both federal and provincial support will be required in the future – “particularly on transit and infrastructure”.

But not all is bleak. Councillor Gower, in our conversation, indicated that investment monies are coming to Stittsville to improve our community. He was pleased to share the direct investments as follows:
• $595,000 to renew roads, including portions of Cherry Drive, McCooeye Lane and Shea Road
• $110,000 to renew a drainage culvert on Woodwind Crescent
• $725,000 to remove accumulated sediment from the Palladium stormwater management facility
Parks, recreation and culture
• $1.3 million to replace or rehabilitate parks, recreation and cultural facilities, including:
1. $770,000 to replace roofing at CARDELREC Recreation Complex
2. $180,000 to replace play structures at Crossing Bridge Park
3. $170,000 to resurface walkways at Forest Creek Park
4. $200,000 to install a universal washroom at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library
• $2.6 million to build Fernbank Community District Park, part of a multi-year investment of more than $3.2 million
• $584,000 to build Shea Woods Park
• $609,000 to build a Kanata West District Park
• Investments to build multiple new parks, including Cope Park, Granary Grove Park and two parks in the Fernbank community, as well as the design of a park in Kanata West.
• $72,000 to install new accessible bus stop landing pads at nine locations:
1. Stittsville Main Street at Brae Crescent, Carp Road and Daphne Crescent
2. Rouncey Road at Groningen Street and Danzig Terrace
3. Two pads at Rouncey Road and Clintonia Street
4. Two pads at Rouncey Road and Tapadero Avenue
• $2.9 million to design the widening of Carp Road between Highway 417 and Hazeldean Road
Councillor Gower is holding a public Q&A on Monday, February 13 for residents from 7:00-8:00pm. Register for the virtual Q&A session at this link. Once registered, you will be provided with the Zoom link to participate. If you can’t attend, complete the budget survey at ottawa.ca or send an email to the Councillor at: glen.gower@ottawa.ca.
You can also register as a public delegation at a standing committee, board or commission budget review meeting. Members of the public can present for up to five minutes:
- February 7 – Finance & Corporate Services Committee
- February 9 – Transit Commission
- February 13 – Emergency Preparedness & Protective Services Committee
- February 15 – Planning and Housing Committee
- February 17 – Audit Committee
- February 21– Environment & Climate Change Committee
- February 23 – Transportation Committee
- February 23 – Public Library Board
- February 24 – Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee
- February 27 – Police Services Board
- February 27 – Board of Health
- February 28 – Community Services Committee
To register before the meeting, contact the relevant Committee Coordinator through ottawa.ca/agendas or call 3-1-1. Presenters are encouraged to provide a copy of their presentation electronically before the meeting.
The draft budget is expected to by passed by Council on Wednesday, March 1, 2023.