A minor variance has been applied for by eQ Homes to the Committee of Adjustment for their proposed development at 360 Haliburton Heights located in Fernbank Crossing. The development would consist of construction of six back-to-back townhouse buildings for a total of 58 residential units. The minor variance comes under Section 45 of the Planning Act.
(The original site plan submitted by eQ Homes)
In order to proceed, eQ Homes requires the Authority of the Committee of Adjustment for Minor Variances from the Zoning By-law as follows:
- To permit a reduced easterly interior side yard setback of 5.02 metres, whereas the By-law requires a minimum interior side yard setback of 7.5 metres.
- To permit a reduced rear yard setback of 2.71 metres (along Robert Grant
Avenue), whereas the By-law requires a minimum rear yard setback of 7.5 metres.
(Property at 360 Haliburton Heights affected by minor variance application. Diagram: Committee of Adjustment, City of Ottawa)
The minor variance will be addressed at the next meeting of the Committee of Adjustment on August 21, 2019. The meeting will be held at Ben Franklin Place, The Chamber, Main Floor, 101 Centrepointe Drive and will start at 9:00 a.m.
Should you want to speak in support of or in opposition to this application, you must attend the Committee of Adjustment meeting and complete a request for decision form in order to do so. There are procedures to be followed for presenters and you can find these at https://ottawa.ca/en/city-hall/planning-development-and-construction/committee-adjustment.
The application indicates that the Property is the subject of a current related Site Plan Control Application D07-12-19-0053 under the Planning Act.
You can also refer to Stittsville Central’s previous April 15th article on this proposed new development here.