Here are some items that came our way you should be aware of in the upcoming days and weeks.
First and foremost, there will no Market at the Barn this long weekend. The Market will return on Sunday, September 8th.
Stittsville Central will not be sending out our email to subscribers on September 2 — taking a bit of a hiatus this long weekend. HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY LONG WEEKEND!
September 1 – OC Transpo will be making changes to their fall schedule. Customers should visit and use the Travel Planner to see if their regular trips are affected by the return to fall schedules. Schedules are also available by calling 613-560-1000 or texting 560560 plus the four‑digit bus stop number. On Monday, September 2, OC Transpo will operate a Sunday schedule, meaning only those routes that normally run on Sundays will be in service. Para Transpo will operate a holiday service on Labour Day. Regular scheduled trips are automatically cancelled, but customers may book trips for Labour Day by calling 613-244-7272 on or after August 26. You will notice new bus stop signs, schedules and maps coming to a stop near you. Also, OC Transpo is preparing for the network-wide service change that will take place on October 6, three weeks after the launch of the Confederation Line. Current bus service will remain in place until then and up-to-date maps and schedules are available online, or by calling 613-560-1000 or texting 560560 plus the four‑digit bus stop number. Customers can find out how their trip will change after October 6 by using the Travel Planner at Eligible university and college students can pick up or reload their 2019-20 U‑Pass on campus at Carleton University, Saint Paul University, the University of Ottawa and Algonquin College.
The Gatineau Police Service and Ottawa Police Service’s Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) will focus on school bus/school zone safety and vehicle occupant restraint during the month of September. School Bus/School Zone Safety: Between 2013 and 2017, there were 858 collisions resulting in 213 injuries involving school buses or occurring in school zones. There were no fatalities. Vehicle Occupant Restraint: Between 2013 and 2017, there were 207 collisions where the lack of or improper use of vehicle occupant restraints resulted in 15 fatalities and 325 injuries. The Safer Roads Ottawa Program is a leading community partnership between Ottawa Fire Services, Ottawa Paramedic Service, Ottawa Police Service, Ottawa Public Health and the Transportation Services Department committed to preventing or eliminating road deaths and serious injuries for all people in the City of Ottawa.