(5 Big Moves Logo – City of Ottawa)
On Thursday, August 29 a significant joint meeting will be held between the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee and the Planning Committee to allow members to learn from city staff what proposed policy guidelines are being introduced for the City of Ottawa Official Plan.
After hearing from the public, Ottawa’s Council of the day has the opportunity to form the look of our city for the years to come. By addressing the thousands of comments received from Ottawa residents and stakeholders to the series of wide-ranging discussion papers, Council will be better positioned to produce an Official Plan that will advance the direction of community development, growth, infrastructure and economic growth.
With Stittsville’s population expected to grow significantly in the next 10 years, the five areas being proposed will be connected to all and undoubtedly affect our community.
Ottawa is proposing to make a number of significant policy changes, known as the Five Big Moves:
- Growth: By 2046, achieve more growth by intensification than by greenfield development. This growth will provide a variety of affordable housing options for residents.
- Mobility: By 2046, encourage the majority of trips in Ottawa to be made by sustainable transportation.
- Urban Design: Improve our sophistication in urban and community design and put this knowledge to the service of strong development at all scales, from the largest to the very small.
- Resiliency: Embed public health, environmental, climate and energy resiliency into the framework of our planning policies.
- Economy: Embed economic development into the framework of our planning policies.
From now until September 16th, the city wants to hear your thoughts about the changes and how they will impact your daily life. Your feedback will help to develop a set of comprehensive policy directions that Ottawa’s City Council will be considering in 2019. You can share your comments about the Five Big Moves at ottawa.ca/NewOP.
You can also provide your comments and any concerns about this platform to Councillor Glen Gower by email glen.gower@ottawa.ca or by telephone 613-580-2476. He values all feedback from Stittsville residents.
The City will develop a draft Official Plan to present to Council by summer 2020 should this term’s Council endorse the policy guidelines.
DON’T STOP planning for a HUGE ‘growth’ to the number of ‘Seniors’; as the Post WWII ‘Baby Boom’ will CONTINUE to grow for some time, yet!
I’m 71 yrs. old, and WON’T BE AROUND IN 2046 … but, I have 7 younger siblings who are now in their 50’s & 60’s. My own 3 children and several of my 11 nephews & nieces are in their ‘mid-to-late’ 30’s and 40’s. As well, 3 of my 5 grandchildren are ‘adults’ (19, 20 & 22) and the youngest 2 are 16 and 17 yrs old!
However, many of this the younger, ‘Millennial’ generation don’t seem to be interested in either, getting married … OR … in having children of their own.