The City has received a Zoning Bylaw Amendment and Plan of Subdivision Proposal application from the Zayoun Group Inc. for 6171 Hazeldean Road – located just south of the Potter’s Key neighbourhood, east of Carp Road and on the north side of Hazeldean Road.

The mixed-use subdivision will be comprised of 529 residential units and one retail commercial space. The applicant is proposing a mixed-use subdivision comprised of 20 single-detached dwellings, 154 townhouse dwellings, 180 condominium units in five low-rise apartment buildings, and 175 units in a nine-storey mixed-use building.
The development will be served by a network of internal streets, which will be dedicated to the City of Ottawa as public rights-of-way. The unopened road allowance along the northern edge of the property, representing the current terminus of Samantha Eastop Avenue, will be extended through the property to Hazeldean Road. The extension will serve as a collector road to distribute traffic through the proposed subdivision, and may also provide direct access between Hazeldean Road and the Potters Key community to the north. The remaining proposed roads will be designed to a local street cross-section, in accordance with City of Ottawa standards.

The subdivision proposes to create two large blocks along Hazeldean Road, which will accommodate higher density development. The eastern block is proposed to accommodate five residential apartment buildings, each with underground parking. The western block is proposed to be developed with a 9-storey mixed-use building, containing 175 residential apartment dwellings and a retail commercial unit. All vehicular circulation within these blocks will be by means of private roads and driveways. The balance of the residential uses in the subdivision will consist of detached dwellings and townhouses. The detached dwellings will be located in the northwestern portion of the development, with the balance of the subdivision developed with two-storey townhouses. A 0.74-hectare park block is proposed for the centre of the development.

The site is currently zoned Arterial Mainstreet Subzone 9 (AM9). The zoning permits a broad range of uses including retail, service commercial, office, residential and institutional uses. The maximum building height is 15 metres.
The Zoning By-law Amendment application submitted proposes to rezone the property from DR Zone to the following zones:
- Residential Third Density Zone Subzone for the majority of the lot to accommodate single-detached and townhome dwellings
- Arterial Mainstreet Zone Subzone 9, to accomodate the 9-storey mixed-use building and low-rise apartment buildings fronting Hazeldean Road
- Parks and Open Space Zone (O1) for the public park.
Send your comments or register for future updates by November 25, 2020 to City Planner Stream Shen at Include the development application numbers D02-02-20-0097 and D07-16-20-0026 in the subject line.
Councillor Glen Gower has indicated that a virtual zoom meeting about this proposed development will take place in the coming weeks.