(Natalie Perry receives the Governor General’s Academic Bronze Medal from Principal Patrick McCarthy for her outstanding academic achievements and highest average from a secondary school. Photo: Stittsville Central)
On June 25th, the graduation ceremonies for the Frederick Banting Alternate School took place at Kanata’s Ron Maislin Theatre. This year saw 59 students graduate from their programs.
The evening began with Piper, Mary MacDonald, leading the procession of dignitaries into the theatre hall. Opening remarks were given by Chris Hale, Vice-Principal at Banting, followed by greetings from Councillor Glen Gower of the City of Ottawa and Trustee Lynn Scott of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.
A photo slide show of the students was shown that gave each graduate the opportunity to personally comment on their years at Banting and to thank everyone who had supported them through their high school years.
After the formal welcomes, singing of O’ Canada and slide show, the 59 graduation students were presented with their diplomas and awards for their individual accomplishments and achievements.
The students who proudly graduated were: Bogdan Andulajevic, Obeidullah Bakhshzad, Jazmin Bill, Francis Boldrick, Winston Bonnick, Melissa Bretzloff, Lydia Brown, Raeden Chow, Eric Daigle, Sophie Drache, Kyle Duguay, Graeme Fry, Meaghan Gardner, Meghan Glennie, Joshua Gonzalez, Jessica Graham, Talin Habib, Zachery Hamilton, Kina Lee Han, Paige Hodges, Devin Hutchins, Muataz Janabi, Bruno Kamanzi, Melody Khamphannoulith, Aleksei Kozak, Jessica Lafleur, William Lee, Heather MacNab, Conrad McCarthy, Matthew McCarthy, Andrew McFaul, Ali Mejbel, Jordan Mercier, Liam Michaud, Liam Milne, Sammie Monk, Sheralan Murray, Jamie Pallen, Samantha Paquette, Natalie Perry, Tiya Persaud, Kyle Purdy, Mason Raworth, Max Reitz, Ally Richardson, Haileigh Spencer, Mercedes Stanzel, Alex Starr, Sara Szollos, Isabella Timokhina Cantin, Shannon Tisch, McKenna Wallace, Corrina Walsh, Jeffrey Weatherall, Laura Wilson, Zak Yarush, Shakkur Yusuf, Harrison Zander, and Courtney Zelanka.
There were many proud moments and awards presented at the graduation ceremony and the list below outlines the exceptional accomplishments of the students —
- The Frederick Banting Award for Diligence was presented to Corrina Walsh and Graeme Fry for their independent work ethic, responsibility for learning, and respect for staff and students.
- The Frederick Banting Award was presented to Matthew McCarthy and Ally Richardson who both successfully met challenges with determination.
- The Vice-Principal’s Award was presented to Lydia Brown and Meghan Glennie for the greatest personal growth development.
- The Principal’s Award for Student Leadership was presented to Alex Starr.
- The Solutions/Success for Life Award presented to Liam Michaud for recognition of outstanding achievement in a co-op placement.
- The Diversity Award was presented to Sophie Drache to celebrate individuality and promote acceptance, equality and respect.
- The Ontario Cooperative Education Association (OCEA) Certificate was presented to Meaghan Gardner, Sheralan Murray and Zak Yarush who benefitted most from their co-op experience.
- The Craig Duncan Environmental Award was presented to Natalie Perry for her love and enthusiasm for the environment. The award is in memory of Craig Duncan who energetically and with authenticity enjoyed carrying out actions to protect the environment.
- The Ottawa Police Service Youth Recognition Award was presented to Melissa Bretzloff who showed concern for the safety of others.
- The Community Bible Church Scholarship was presented to Meaghan Gardner and Jordan Mercier who showed integrity, humility and/or mercy. Each received a $500 scholarship.
- The Zachary Gault Memorial Award was presented to Sammie Monk for her perseverance in the face of personal challenges like the young man in whose memory this award is presented.
- The Rylie Oliver-Vindo Memorial Award was presented to Liam Milne who best exemplified the young man this award was named for.
- The Jesse Barrie Award was presented to Isabella Timokhina Cantin who displayed a ‘I Can Do It’ attitude.
- The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Student Recognition Award was presented to Alex Starr for the will to succeed and to finish what was started. This award recipient is chosen by their principal or vice-principal.
- The Rotary Club of Ottawa-Stittsville Award was presented to Conrad McCarthy who captured the essence of the Rotary Club’s motto – service above self.
- The Stittsville Village Association Award was presented to Sophie Drache who has encouraged leadership in civic involvement furthering her contribution to the common good in her adult life.
- The Staff Award for Excellence was presented to Eric Daigle who demonstrated a mature and positive approach to all of his personal and academic endeavours.
- The Frederick Banting Co-Operative Education Award was presented to Joshua Gonzalez who excelled in all aspects of the Banting co-op program.
- The Frederick Banting Arts Recognition Award was awarded to Courtney Zelenka who demonstrated proficiency in the arts through artistic merit, interest and leadership and may be entering a career in the arts.
- The OYAP ‘Tools of the Trade’ Student Bursary was presented to Ali Mejbel who completed his Co-Op/OYAP credits in the graduating year. Ali will be pursuing an apprenticeship program or will be continuing in the apprenticeship pathway.
- The Tool Belt Award was presented to Lydia Brown who was a top student in the construction trade and pursuing an OYAP apprenticeship upon graduation.
- The Governor General’s Academic Bronze Medal was awarded to Natalie Perry for her outstanding scholastic achievement of the highest average upon graduation from a secondary school.
- The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) Silver Medal was presented to Eric Daigle and Sophie Drache for their grade 12 achievement of an 90% or higher average based on their six U/M subjects at the end of the school year.
The valedictorian for the ‘Class of 2018/19’ was Jamie Pallen who started with a mantra of ‘Speak the truth with honesty’. Jamie said, “it is hard to find a school where every staff member impacts you like at Frederick Banting”. Jamie closed her speech with the poem ‘New Blossoms’ by Barney Rooney.
In closing remarks, Vice-Principal Chris Hale thanked everyone for enhancing the lives of these young adults and shared a message for the students to take with them into their futures.