(At the November 15, 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society, 60 years was celebrated and a new Board Executive elected. The following make up the foundation of the SGHS for 2022-23 – 1st row l-r: Lee Boltwood, Judith Cox; 2nd row l-r: Margaret Farr, Arlene Rowe, Penny Horeczy, Sue Picard, Darlene Palsson, Brenda Raid, Gloria Murdock; 3rd row l-r: Ian Frei, Mary Lou O’Rourke, Kim Bonin and David Plouffe. Missing from photo – Vivian McLean. Photo: Hélène Rivest)
The Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society (SGHS) celebrates 60 years in 2022. In light of this celebration, we are sharing the important history of the SGHS. The Society was founded on January 18,1962 by a handful of devoted and enthusiastic Stittsville gardeners under the banner name, Stittsville Horticultural Society. In 1977, the Society added Goulbourn to their name to reflect a larger Goulbourn township due to amalgamation, whereby residents of Richmond, Munster Hamlet and Ashton could also become potential members.
On January 18, 1962, Emerson and Grace Thompson were joined by a total of 15 other gardening enthusiasts who included Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Archer, Thor & Pam Thorgrimsson, Archie & Doreen Bell, Dr. Nils Olson & Roberta Boucher at their inaugural meeting held at the former Stittsville Public School on Main Street. The first President of the Society was Mrs. Grace Thompson and Marion Gullock carried out the duties of both the Secretary and Treasurer.
That same year, the Stittsville Horticultural Society took 1st prize for a floral display at the Richmond Fair. So began a long-standing relationship that continues today whereby the Society makes an annual contribution towards prizes in the floral, fruit and vegetable categories of the Richmond Fair. The first Photographic Competition was held in 1983 with over 100 entries being submitted including both colour slides and prints in eight classes. Today all entries are judged on an equal basis.
The first Lifetime Memberships were awarded in 1992 to the four remaining charter members at that time: Pam Thorgrimsson, Nils Olson, Doreen Bell and Grace Thompson. Today, Lifetime Members with continuous contributions to the Society for 15 years or more include Doreen Bell, Lee Boltwood, Edna Emmott, Sandy Mutch, Peter Jago, John and Ann Soar and Margaret Farr.
In 2012, celebrating their 50th Anniversary, the Society planted a Red Oak with a plaque to honour the founding members at the Granite Ridge Long Term Care Facility on Abbott Street in Stittsville.
As a volunteer organization, all members have an opportunity to participate in the management and direction of the Society and to participate in the special community projects sponsored by the Society. The Society celebrates Earth Day by participating in Spring Cleaning the Capital and their adopted sections along the Trans-Canada Trail and at the Village Square Park.

At their November 15, 2022 Annual General Meeting and Christmas Pot Luck Supper, the Society was presented with a certificate in celebration of their 60th Anniversary. Anne Harbord, District 2 Director of the Ontario Horticultural Association (OHA) was in attendance to present the certificate. The OHA is a volunteer group of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (Agricultural and Education). The Society also received a congratulatory certificate from the Government of Ontario and Goldie Ghamari, MPP for Carleton.

A special mention went out to Brian Carson for becoming a Silver Medalist of the OHA – the Association’s highest horticultural award. Brian was presented with the 2022 award for his outstanding work in the advancement of horticulture and was academically acclaimed for identifying Trilliums worldwide.

The following Society members will make up the new Board for 2022-23:
- Judith Cox – President
- Penny Horeczy – Vice-President
- Suzanne Lessard – Treasurer
- Mary Lou O’Rourke – Secretary
- Ian Frei – Past-President
- David Plouffe – Social Media/Communications
- Members-at-Large: Lee Boltwood (Lifetime Member and Certifed Master Gardner), Vivian McLean (Internal Communications), Darlene Palsson (Communications and Membership), Sue Picard, Brenda Raid and Arlene Rowe (Pollinator Project Leader of Lee Boltwood Park)
President, Judith Cox, in her comments to the crowd said, “the Lee Boltwood Park is the base for a young neighbourhood. We are so fortunate to have this park to care for and tend to as our Society’s community project. We know when Ian (Frei) is wearing his yellow jacket, it is a serious garden day! We have been so fortunate that Ryan Grabe, who is studying Ethnobotany and grows trees from seed, has donated many plants to our cause and we thank him. We will be replacing the Nasturtiums with Evening Primrose and the volunteers have planted over 700 plants so far. So pleased to share that there have been small animals seen and pollinators spotted at Lee Boltwood Park”.
Judith then presented awards to members for their dedicated work over the past year:
- Horticultural Service Certificate – Meritous Service Award – Lee Boltwood
- New Lifetime Member Award – Margaret Farr (Judith commented, “Margaret always volunteers for everything. And, she makes the best red pepper jelly in the world!”.
- President Awards – Arlene Rowe, Glenda Robella, Gloria Murdock, Vivian McLean, Kim Bonin
A volunteer organization, the members unite to share their interest and enthusiasm in all things gardening. Should you wish to become a member of SGHS, send an email to sghorticultural@gmail.com or find out more on their website. Membership is $15 per person or $25 per family.
SGHS, an organization sustaining community pride.
Many Thanks.
Congratulations! Great photos.