(A revised proposal has been submitted to the City of Ottawa for a Zoning By-Law Amendment application for 6310 Hazeldean Road. This is the view of the newly proposed development looking east from Hazeldean Road. All renderings/graphics: Fontenn Planning + Design)
On January 11, 2024, the City of Ottawa received a resubmission of a Zoning By-Law Amendment application (#D02-02-22-0038) for the site at 6310 Hazeldean Road. This newly revised application proposes the construction of a residential development containing 431 dwelling units within two buildings, with heights stepping up from three stories to a 25-storey tower. The updated application does not include commercial space on the site. The applicant, Fotenn Planning + Design, submitted the new proposal on behalf of their client, Hazeldean Developments.

You may recall, the site is the former location of the Techo-Bloc Landscaping Supplies site, west of Carp Road, east of West Ridge Drive and on the south side of Hazeldean Road. The original proposal for the development of this property was submitted in April 2022.
Of importance, on April 22, 2022, it was noted in the original proposal that this (the three nine-storey mixed use buildings proposal) is not the official development application, but a ‘for your information’ of what may be proposed. At that time, letters from the planner were dropped off to homes effected by the application in the Crossing Bridge neighbourhood, at the request of Councillor Gower, as part of a pre-consultation process before the development proposal was submitted to the City.

The April 2022 application proposed was reviewed by the City’s Urban Design Review Panel (UDRP) on October 6, 2022 – it was not approved. At the UDRP, the panel generally supported the increased density on the subject property, while providing comments regarding the architectural expression and public realm vision, including a recommendation to re-align and merge the proposed buildings, improve amenity space for residents, and provide better built form transition. The Panel also questioned the viability of retail in the development.

In the Fall of 2023, a new design for the subject property was prepared by Fontenn Planning + Design. This new proposal creates the foundation for the resubmission. The revised design features a reconfigured built form to concentrate density at the northeast corner of the property, while reducing impacts on the southern low-rise residential properties. A total of 431 units are proposed in residential-only buildings, with communal amenity space proposed above an enclosed parking structure.
In the new proposed submission it states, “The previous design was subsequently revised in response to the comments received from City of Ottawa Staff, the UDRP,and other stakeholders. The proposal now features a stronger contemporary architectural expression, with a range of building materials and contrasting colours and shades. The two western buildings have been combined into a single building, with varied setbacks to provide articulation and visual interest.
More prominently, a reconfiguration of massing and density across the property is a principal alteration from the previous plan. Whereas the previous design approach featured three buildings of uniform height, the revised design approach deliberately concentrates the highest densities in the northeastern portion of the property, while reducing massing at the rear. The massing transition includes a gradual increase from 3 storeys to 6 storeys to 9 storeys for the western building, and 3 storeys to 7 storeys to 25 storeys for the eastern building.
The tower floorplate is deliberately limited to create a slender floorplate, reducing massing impacts and allowing any shadows to move quickly. Similarly, lower building heights in the western building contribute to a westward transition, allow for greater sunlight penetration for the amenity space and neighbouring properties, and create architectural articulation and visual interest.”

This new proposal is currently open for comments until February 5, 2024 from the public to the File Lead, Sarah Ezzio, 613-580-2424 x23493 or send them via email at this link. Make sure you include File No. D02-02-22-0038 in the subject line if sending by email. You can also copy Councillor Gower at glen.gower@ottawa.ca.
I see you talked about “greater sunlight penetration for the amenity space”, but things look bleak for the properties that will live in this project’s shadow. Here is a link to the shadow study that was done for the project.
Thanks for the link. Regarding the sunlight portion of the article, it ends in quotes as it is from the study the proposal submitted.
We think this great. If they don’t go up taxes will go up. There is no way they can put that many houses there. People have got to see, there is such a shortage on housing that this is the best way to go.
Going up puts more availability out for people looking for housing. Instead of maybe 75-100 houses on that site, the apartments will give 431 people/families somewhere to live.
Cristine Hill and Arnie Chattaway
There goes our village!
Hazeldean Road and Carp Roads are congested now – I can’t imagine the traffic if this is permitted to go through. I’ve yet to see any plans to four lane Hazeldean (Carp to Westridge) nor Carp to the 417. I feel for those who live directly behind this proposed development to learn it has gone from 9 to 25 stories. 9 stories was out of line for the area not to even conceive suggesting 25!
If we say no you can’t have tall buildings in some area.That will mean 60-100 floor buildings downtown.
Could you please add the deadline for submitting comments?
It’s in the final paragraph…This new proposal is currently open for comments until February 5, 2024 from the public to the File Lead, Sarah Ezzio, 613-580-2424 x23493 or send them via email at this link. Make sure you include File No. D02-02-22-0038 in the subject line if sending by email. You can also copy Councillor Gower at glen.gower@ottawa.ca.