GAIA JAVA: Greg Kelly (guitar) with Shaun Brown (pedal steel) on May 6

Greg Kelly has been in the shop many times in the last several months; not only for his own performance back in February, but also on many occasions when he drops in to hear and support other artists playing for our Friday night audiences. And he always sets a great example by throwing something into the ‘donations for the musicians’ jar! Small wonder he is very well-respected by the many performers who come through – friendly, talented, encouraging and sharing – great qualities to have in a songwriter.

Once many years ago Greg brought in amazing pedal steel guitarist Shawn Brown, and the combination of their contributions was magical! Apparently Shawn is guesting with Greg again this week, so it is an opportunity not to miss.

One of Greg’s other hats is as a music session host himself – on Saturday afternoons at the Black Irish Pub in Vanier. So he knows a lot about putting together an entertaining evening of songs and stories. Bring yourself along this Friday for an evening of quality music; you can check out some of Greg’s songs at his website:

Then you can work out which of his CDs you still need to get so that you have a full set, ready for when they become collectors items!
No entry charge for purchasing customers, but remember the best seats go first, and we put out a ‘donations’ jar so that appreciative customers can contribute to the well-being of the marvellous musicians who come to entertain us.

See more details at where you can also see the listing of upcoming music night performers over the next several weeks – everything from High School students and University undergrads to Seasoned professionals who are willing to come and share their talents with you.

Greg Kelly (country/folk style guitar and vocals), together with Shawn Brown (pedal steel guitar) play on Friday, May 6 at 7:00pm.

-Paul Jay


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