How would you like to live on Velociraptor Avenue?

"Velociraptor" is one of the top choices in our Stittsville street name survey

Is this the Stittsville version of Boaty McBoatface?  In our informal survey on new Stittsville street names, so far our readers have picked Velociraptor Street as their favourite name for Bell Street.

Our readers voted "Velociraptor" as their favourite name for Bell Street. This chart show the top five picks after 200 votes.
Our readers voted “Velociraptor” as their favourite name for Bell Street. This chart show the top five picks after 200 votes.


Our survey won’t carry any weight at City Hall when it comes to making the final choices.  Only homeowners on the streets in question have an official vote.  (About 80% of respondents to our survey do not live on the affected streets.)

Some neighbours on Bell Street are hoping to connect in person this week to talk about options for their street. “Hopefully we can come together on something and get to know each other a little better,” wrote one neighbour on a local Facebook group. (If you live on Bell Street, you can get in touch via Facebook.)



Residents could pick from dozens of names for each street. These pie charts show only the top choices on each street, after about 200 votes cast.  You can cast your vote here…

(Come to think of it, with so many names to choose from, this would have been a good opportunity to test out ranked ballot voting!)

Over on Elm Street, "Twig" and "Kawartha" are in the lead, but only slightly.
For Elm Crescent, “Twig” and “Kawartha” are in the lead, but not by much.
Henry Goulburn is clearly the favourite of our readers for Goulbourn Street.
Henry Goulburn is clearly the favourite of our readers for Goulbourn Street.


Bearpaw and Bonfire vie for top spot on Long Meadow Way.
Bearpaw and Bonfire vie for top spot on Long Meadow Way.


Cornflower, a blue flowering plant, has a considerable lead over the other choices on Meadowland Drive.
Cornflower, a blue flowering plant, has a considerable lead over the other choices on Meadowland Drive.

4 thoughts on “How would you like to live on Velociraptor Avenue?”

  1. Interesting idea to let people vote on the new names. Only problem is that we had to vote for all 5 streets.

    Personally, I put some thought in the choice for MY street, and didn’t really care about the others.

    Would have preferred to skip them, but the system forced me to vote for them as well.

  2. BTW, 33 residents of Elm Crescent are participating in an unofficial poll to select the most acceptable name for our crescent.

    At the end of Round #2, the leaders were Cape Cod, Star, Brae, Milkweed, and Kawartha.

    We have 3 more rounds to go, declaring the winner on October 3.

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