Search Results for: perpetua
What’s happening at the Stittsville Library in August – Barbie world, reading club and so much more
Many of you know Nicki who greets you at the Reception Desk or assists you with finding your next great title to read – well Barbie touched her world as well.
The 2022 Blossom Fest continued its ‘festive’ fun thanks to perseverance, volunteers and performers
Mandy’s perseverance, the fantastic volunteers and entertainers coming together on May 22nd made the day the success that it was. It was a perfect outlet for the kids and families to take their minds off of a stressful situation…
The Clarke’s homestead and the local cheese factory connection
Stittsville Central is pleased to again showcase the watercolour sketches and haiku of local artist Perpetua Quigley. Perpetua is currently continuing her love of history through the capture of our local historical sites…
Doug Sutherland Arts in the Park returns to Village Square Park for 2022
The annual Arts in the Park, presented by the Stittsville Village Association (SVA), is once again returning to Village Square Park on Sunday, June 5, 2022…
The Carleton provincial candidates respond to our Stittsville relevant questions
With the Stittsville debate behind us, Stittsville Central reached out last week to the provincial candidates in Carleton Riding asking each for their responses to the same six questions.
COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower
This week Councillor Gower thanks the people of Stittsville for the donations provided to the Ukraine effort and St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. He also shares a note that Reverend Doug…
Heritage captured through art on display at the Stittsville Library
For the month of March, the watercolour artwork of Perpetua Quigley is displayed on the Art Space Wall at the Stittsville branch of the Ottawa Public Library.
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is home to the Stittsville Tae Kwon Do School
At this time of year before COVID, the Stittsville Tae Kwon Do School hosted incredible holiday pot luck buffets for its members.
SBA announces new President and the Thomas Cavanagh Business of the Year Award
(Andrea Greenhous, becomes the President of the Stittsville Business Association, announced at their final meeting for 2021 held on December 7.) On December 7, the Stittsville Business Association (SBA) held…
The home of Patrick and Mary Hartin on Maple Grove
Artist Perpetua Quigley shares her beautiful watercolour sketch and Haiku of Hartin House and cottage on Maple Grove Road in Stittsville. Perpetua shares, “as we are on the cusp of…
Remembering Stittsville’s nurse veteran: Lieutenant-Colonel Harriet (Hallie) Sloan
The very first recipient of the ‘Thank You Canada and Allied Forces 1945-2005 Medal’ was Hallie Sloan, 88, of Stittsville who served with the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps during World War II.
Women’s history month – reflecting on the Hazeldean Women’s Institute
Local artist, Perpetua Quigley, celebrates October 18, 1929 when women were legally proclaimed as Persons in Canada. October is Women’s History Month…
Quitter’s java jam
Perpetua Quigley shares her watercolours and Haiku with our community. She has been creating artwork in which she captures the essence of Stittsville and the immediate area. Having painted other…
The Stittsville farm that has captured our hearts
Perpetua Quigley is a local artist who has again captured the beauty and days of yore of Stittsville’s beloved Bradley-Craig farm. Perpetua painted this watercolour in July, 2021…
The postmaster’s home – a reminder of our rural history
Perpetua Quigley has captured the Classical Revival design and importance of the mid-nineteenth century for the stone dwelling of the late Elizabeth and John Young on Hazeldean Road.