A call for new voices for the West Ottawa Ladies Chorus

(Press release from the WOLC.)

Singing repertoire that includes a wide variety of music arranged for a traditional ladies choir sung in three and four part harmony can be fulfilling and rewarding. The West Ottawa Ladies Chorus (WOLC) is a friendly, welcoming group of 40 women who love to sing and spend time together. Membership draws singers from Fitzroy Harbour to Kanata, Old Ottawa East to Barrhaven, Stittsville to Munster, and North Gower to Carleton Place. Under the leadership of talented director, Robert Dueck, they blend their voices to deliver a solid performance. With a new season starting in September, there are a few openings available.

Rehearsals are offered twice a week—many members attend both but are asked to commit to one. Rehearsals are blocked in 10-12 weeks periods leading up to each performance—one at Christmas and one in the spring. Learning MP3’s and music are provided with the expectation that rehearsals are just that, a time to fine tune the musical numbers.

WOLC was formed in 2012 and grew rapidly from 12 to 40. A few places are available for women with choral experience singing a designated vocal part (1st Soprano and/or 2nd Soprano, 1st Alto and/or 2nd Alto). Each member must have a basic understanding of music theory; basic to intermediate sight reading skills; straight tone singing or minimized vibrato; ability to match pitch and blend with other singers. WOLC strives for excellence—this is your opportunity to get involved. Check out the West Ottawa Ladies Chorus on Facebook and on Youtube. Interested? Email the music director at LadiesChorus@bell.net to arrange an audition.

We welcome new voices.


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