A. Lorne Cassidy parents’ council fundraising for its ‘sister school’ – Carleton Heights Public School

(Carleton Heights Public School. Photo: Ottawa-Carleton District School Board)

An obvious discrepancy between public school funding and the ability to fund raise for certain schools in the Ottawa area is prevalent. Some schools experience this fund raising dilemma due to the lack of a parents’ school council and for others, victims of circumstance due to location and neighbourhood environments. With many families being new to Canada and not having personal connections to raise needed school funds for field trips, learning tools and playground equipment, it is a challenging situation.

For this reason, the volunteer parents’ school council at A. Lorne Cassidy Elementary School (ALC) stepped up and have again continued their  partnership with Carleton Heights Public School, their ‘sister school’,  to help raise funds through a Play It Forward campaign.

The funds raised will be put to good use. Currently, the play area for kids aged 4-6 at Carleton Heights is cement and dirt, with no trees or structures to provide needed shade, nor play structures to enrich the children’s playtime experience. ALC wants to change this situation and provide a playground environment in which the children will enjoy their playtime and be happy.

(Carleton Heights playground for junior students. Photo: A. Lorne Cassidy Parents’ Council)

ALC is raising the funds required to build a permanent play area that will include a play structure for the children to enjoy. Their goal — to raise $60,000.

The exciting news for this endeavour — an anonymous donor has offered to match every donation up to a maximum of $30,000. WOW! This donor has instantly doubled ALC’s fund raising goal from the starting line. ALC is reaching out to the generous residents and businesses of Stittsville to help them reach their target.

All donations are tax refundable. If you are dismayed by this existing situation, please consider supporting ALC’s ‘Play It Forward’ campaign by making at donation at https://chimp.net/send/to/group/carleton-heights-kindergarten-yard-improvement-project.

You can be assured that you are helping to provide the young students at Carleton Heights with an enhanced playground — one that they ought to have.



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