A more open and welcoming golf club?

(Amberwood Village Golf Course Aerial View)

Some 80 people gathered at ALE on March 1 for an occasionally spirited launch of Amberwood Village Recreation Association’s (AVRA) long-term planning process that would see the Amberwood Golf Club welcome the nearby community.

AVRA Director, Bernie Ashe, told members their ideas will form the plan that guides the association for the next ten to fifteen years. The process has just begun, he said, as an eight-page “road map” for a strategic plan was up for discussion. Among its key elements:

  • More use of AVRA’s facilities by residents of Stittsville/Kanata and a new by-law to reflect that direction
  • New program partnerships with other organizations and the City of Ottawa
  • The immediate sale of five lots on Trailway Circle and later, land adjacent to the equipment shed
  • A move to a single board with an end to the Amberwood Village Golf and Country Club that currently manages operations
  • New financial partnerships for building expansion, perhaps including residential units.

“Should we be looking at redeveloping these buildings?…How are we going to fund new buildings (in future)? Do we want mixed-use where we have people living in this structure?” he asked. The questions came near the end of the two-hour session.


Earlier, much of the crowd had more immediate concerns in mind. They said that they want a more accessible, affordable and more welcoming club. “This place doesn’t draw you in,” one member said. “It doesn’t feel welcoming,” another added. Several spoke of wanting more access to the deck for morning coffee or at the end of the day and to walking paths around the golf course.

The need to attract more young families was another recurring theme. Bubbled tennis courts were suggested. The possibility of graduated memberships, including one for young families, was presented. An audience member suggested a day care centre would be a good new addition.

The crowd also heard that the Cardel (formerly Goulbourn) recreational centre is full to capacity and civic officials would like to see Amberwood share its space for activities.


1 thought on “A more open and welcoming golf club?”

  1. It is beautiful parkland. Certainly would be better to invite more of the community in, not only the golfers. Walking through on the pathways would certainly not deter the golfers. If the land is not kept and sold off to developers, it will be gone forever.

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