Abbott Street expected to be connected to Robert Grant by year’s end

Councillor Shad Qadri provided this update about construction on Abbott Street in his weekly email newsletter:

Construction has been underway to extent Abbott Street East at Iber Road eastward to connect with Robert Grant Avenue. The contractor for the road works in this area has advised that assuming weather conditions continue with reasonable temperatures and no snow, they currently anticipate paving works for Abbott, Robert Grant, and Fernbank to be complete by November 20th, 2015 however the new signals on Fernbank will not be activated until December 7th, 2015. Once the paving and road painting is completed it is anticipate the intersection will be open shortly after that time.

This new road connection will provide access to the new French Catholic High School, École secondaire catholique Paul Desmarais which is anticipated to be opened in February 2016. This school will provide instruction to a large catchment of students in the Stittsville and Kanata communities.


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