(An drone shot of the Amberwood Golf Course.)
In June 2020, the Amberwood Village Golf and Country Club held a vote with members at its Annual General Meeting to sell five lots adjacent to the golf course. The sale proceeds would be reinvested for the betterment of the community facilities. With 96% of the Amberwood Village Recreation Association (AVRA) in favour, the organization proceeded with the next steps to secure the appropriate zoning from the City of Ottawa.
The day has arrived for the City’s Planning Committee to consider the Zoning By-law Amendment for part of 54 Springbrook Drive – on January 14, 2021. AVRA is seeking to rezone the lands from Parks and Open Space Subzone A (O1A) to Residential First Density Subzone H to permit five residential lots to be developed.

The surrounding residential lots are zoned Residential First Density Subzone H (R1H), which permits only detached dwellings on lots with a
minimum lot width of 18 metres. The site-specific exception requested would denote minor modifications to certain zone provisions:
- Required lot width reduced from 18 metres to 17 metres,
- Required front yard setback reduced from 6 metres to 5 metres, and
- Maximum lot coverage increased from 40 per cent to 43 per cent.
AVRA is proposing to create five residential lots to be developed with detached dwellings and have submitted a concurrent Part Lot Control application, rather than a severance application, to create the individually conveyable parcels.

On October 29, 2020, Councillor Gower hosted a Community Information and Comment Session via Zoom. The Councillor is fully supportive of this new development and commented, “I support the staff recommendation to approve the rezoning of this property. Redevelopment of this land is an important part of a broader plan from the Amberwood Village Recreation Association to ensure the long-term financial viability of the golf course and recreation facilities.”

The Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Department also supports the proposed Zoning By-law amendment – the proposed development is an appropriate example of modest intensification in a stable community within the General Urban Area. The development fits well in its context and the requested amendment conforms with the Official Plan and is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement.
Support shown towards this proposed development, would guarantee that Amberwood is one-step closer to seeing shovels in the ground ensuring the viability of the golf course and recreation facilities for the future.
Amberwood is a community golf course where the residents of Stittsville and area are always welcome to enjoy the facilities. To learn more about Amberwood, visit their website.