Author: Allan Ryan
The compassionate care of legendary family dog Riley Ryan from our Carp Veterinarian
Dr. Cochran is a Veterinarian at the West Carleton Animal Hospital in Carp, Ontario. He had been Riley’s Vet for some time now, and he guided us through the last months and days as Riley’s health issues became more apparent.
Open Letter: In Memory of John Curry
I am writing this letter today on behalf of myself and my colleagues at the Stittsville Business Association. I also think that much of what is shared in this letter will resonate with many others in our community as well.
Sincere thanks to the community from the Stittsville Business Association
To all of us, 2020 has been a very challenging year in many ways. For our seniors in long term care homes and our children and educators in our schools, to our dedicated front-line health-care workers and all of our families and friends, this is a year that we won’t soon forget.