(press release)
Book junkies take notice. Long-time writer of short stories, a successful memoir and several children’s books, Molly O’Connor, will be featuring her new novel, When Secrets Become Lies, in Brown’s Independent Grocer’s Community Room, on Wednesday, August 5. She will be joined by Diane LaRocque, author of Daniel Martin and the Sea Devil’s Playground. Both authors will be speaking of their novels and avid readers can acquire signed copies.

In When Secrets Become Lies, Phillipa loses her parents to a tragic accident and while doing the necessary paper work discovers that there is no record of her birth—anywhere. Who is she? The reader follows Phillipa as she tries to resolve the mystery of her birth. In a parallel story, her parents, Elaine and Patrick, go on a year long journey across Canada returning to Ottawa with a newborn. As the story unfolds, the reader feels the confusion of Phillipa’s loss of identity, finds her in a male-dominated world of computer gaming and shares her first romance. In the parallel story tension builds as Elaine is driven to bouts of depression caused by lack of self esteem. The reader travels to Canadian destinations while Patrick searches for Elaine’s half-sister. Take the journey and learn the secret of Phillipa’s birth. O’Connor states “I will never be a literary genius but I am a story teller and everyone likes a good story.”

In Daniel Martin and the Sea Devil’s Playground, Daniel cannot understand why his former friend is now so aggressive toward him. Then, as murders begin to occur and the tension builds between them, he is forced to accept the help of pirates or forever suffer Nottingham’s wrath. Why is Notttingham so angry? Who is murdering the neighbourhood boys? These are some of the questions plaguing Daniel as he ventures deeper into the world of wickedness and debauchery that is Port Royal, Jamaica.
Drop by Brown’s Independent Grocers (1251 Main Street) between the hours of 5 pm – 7 pm, meet these accomplished writers and treat yourself to great summer reading.
Hard cover, soft cover and ebook versions are available on line by visiting the author’s web sites at www.mollyoconnor.ca or www.dclarocqueauthor.com.