Do you know an individual, group or program that is making Ottawa safer? Help Crime Prevention Ottawa (CPO) celebrate them by putting their name forward for the CPO 12th annual awards.
Previous winners and finalists represent all ages and walks of life, including volunteers and staff at various organizations. They include groups of dedicated individuals working to build community pride or address crime and safety issues in their neighbourhoods.
There are several award categories. CPO is accepting nominations until September 14, 2020 for:
- Leadership Award
- Business Award
- Youth Leadership Award
- Enforcement Professional Award
- City Employee Award
- Volunteer Award
- Volunteer Program Award
- Community Program Award
Given the unprecedented events of this year with COVID-19 and worldwide demonstrations for social justice, CPO are welcoming nominations that might also highlight a person, group or program’s involvement in initiatives that have served to build a better, safer, more inclusive city. All nominees must have been involved in reducing crime and creating a safer community for a minimum of two (2) years.
You can find the nomination form, criteria and frequently asked questions at
As of yet, the awards ceremony details are not known, but a celebration will take place whether virtually or live on Monday, November 2, 2020 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm and will comply with the Ottawa Public Health recommendations in place at that time.