Changes to city in-person services to help prevent spread of COVID-19

Ottawa City Hall. File photo by Devyn Barrie.

The City of Ottawa is making changes to in-person services effective immediately In response to the Government of Ontario’s emergency declaration, and to help protect the public from COVID-19.

Emergency and essential services will continue to protect and serve the needs of all residents in Ottawa. In order to help practice social distancing to limit community spread of COVID-19, all in-person and non-essential City services are closed until further notice. Services that can be offered remotely (by phone, e-mail, mail or online) will be maintained. OC Transpo continues to offer customer service online and by phone.

Should you require City services this list of services tells you how to access them.

Essential services, such as those mentioned below will continue:

  • Emergency first responders, including fire, paramedics and public health staff 
  • Front line communications for 9-1-1 emergency services, Ottawa Public Health, Revenue, and 3-1-1 call centres
  • Social assistance services
  • Key assets, public works and operations, including water services, road and traffic services and snow clearing
  • Frontline workers who serve our most vulnerable in the community, including long-term care
  • Transit services
  • Garbage and recycling collection
  • By-law Service
  • Fire investigations and inspections for complaints and licenses
  • Community Paramedic program

All on-street overtime parking, signed or unsigned, will no longer be enforced on residential streets until further notice. Other parking restrictions remain in effect, such as No Stopping, No Parking, Fire Route, Accessible Parking, hydrants, sidewalks to maintain emergency access and traffic flow.

The City continues to provide services online at and at where you can pay bills and property taxes. If you are unable to access City services online, please call 3-1-1 so we can assist you.

Visit to find out how to protect yourself, what to do if you’re sick after you travel, and how to recognize possible symptoms with the new COVID-19 self-assessment tool.

This is an evolving situation and the City will share the most current information on and the City’s social media channels. Ottawa Public Health will continue to provide updates on COVID-19 in Ottawa on


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