In February 2024, Council directed staff to implement a revised Community Partner Insurance Program (CPIP) based on specific defined criteria, and to initiate a review of the staffing requirements to support the administration of the proposed CPIP. This includes the intake, and ongoing evaluation of community group eligibility, as well as support and assistance to community associations for consideration.
The City currently has insurance coverage for the CPIP, which is set to expire June 1, 2025. Per the direction of Council, geographic-based community associations, whose primary mandate is representing a neighborhood on a broad range of civic matters and that hosts community events, activities and programs for the public, will be eligible for CPIP.
Anticipating increased interest from community groups applying to the program, the draft 2025 budget includes adequate resources to support the CPIP program. These positions will support the CPIP program by overseeing the eligibility process for prospective community organizations, intake applications for access to the program, and provide ongoing monitoring to ensure compliance with eligibility. The positions will also act as liaisons with the community in matters relating to governance and access to information and key resources within the City of Ottawa.
Legal Services will continue to oversee the administration of insurance coverage and to liaise with the insurance broker and/or underwriter on insurance and risk-related matters.
Continued coverage for some groups
Certain services provided by community partners will continue to benefit from insurance coverage within an existing insurance program. These programs include:
- Organizations operating Outdoor Rink Programs for maintenance and supervision of rink
activities only. These groups are currently covered under the City’s integrated insurance for the
2025 season. - Community groups operating Community Gardens through the Community Garden Network
(for approved garden activities only). - Some organizations who manage, or operate a City-owned or leased facility, or support the
operation and delivery of affordable and accessible recreational opportunities to the community
under an Active Continuous Service Agreement with the City.
CPIP eligibility
Guided by the input from members of Council, staff have developed criteria that can be applied to determine eligibility for the new CPIP insurance program. Among other parameters, applications for CPIP will require groups to provide evidence they operate as a not-for-profit organization within the city of Ottawa, that they represent a geographic community within the boundaries of Ottawa, have been existence for a minimum two years, have been democratically elected with a board of directors and annual general meeting, and that they operate in a manner that respects and is consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code and other applicable laws. Full eligibility criteria and information regarding onboarding and the application process will be released in Q1 with the launch of the program.
Next steps
The revised CPIP program will be ready to receive applications from community organizations beginning in Q1 2025. Anticipating approval of program staffing requirements as part of the 2025 budget, two staff will be in place prepared to accept applications from community organizations beginning in early Q1 2025. Recreation, Cultural and Facility Service and Legal Services continue to work collaboratively to finalize the application and approval process to ensure a successful transition to a new CPIP. Coverage under the new program will be from June 1, 2025, to June 1, 2026, and subject to annual renewal. Should the City be unable to procure the necessary insurance in the future, staff will inform Council and reallocate that funding as directed in the motion to a dedicated community insurance support funding program within the community funding framework.