Every week we get lots of comments from our readers on our web site, via email, and social media. Here’s a sample of what we heard this week. Add your thoughts to the comments at the bottom of this article or email feedback@stittsvillecentral.ca.

Re: Residents pack hall for lively meeting about Minto development
Andrea Gregoire: “Several years ago I attended a meeting about the building of Westwind Public School. I had a few minor concerns related to aesthetics and received some promises regarding landscaping. It is frustrating that none of these promises were kept and the one stand of trees that they left at the side of the school was recently cut down. The landscaping is a mess as no one maintains the shrubs, ornamental grasses or the lawn. Let’s hope that any hard earned concessions are actually implemented and not forgotten like they have been in other cases.”
Lindsay: “My biggest concern here is that want to add all these homes with families , and yet we still don’t get a high school?”

Andre: “We need to stop this whole process of mowing down everything that takes up space that could be more houses, or another store. Stittsville is already starting to take on the appearance of Merivale Road. It’s not too late for city representatives to stop bowing to the big developers, and keep at least some of the history intact.”
Barry Gray: “I think that Richcraft knew that there would be problems with the structure when they purchased the property and knew the historical significance of it. What are the costs to dismantle and move as opposed to the cost to save it? I know of at least one Stittsville entrepreneur who has a business case to create something in there should it be renovate.”
Nicola Shute: “It’s not necessary to keep every old rundown building and call it a heritage site. Let it go”
Deborah Abbott: “So much history has been lost already with development surely this can be incorporated into the area – there is so much history with this barn and the family.”
Knew it would come to this!Watch the city "cave"! No guts to stand up to builders. OMB will side with Richcraft . https://t.co/SwYYQUg1oI
— MIKE BRYAN (@MbryanMike) November 3, 2015
Re: No, we don’t know what that smell is either
Susan: “Are people’s memories that short? This happens every year. It’s manure being spread on local farms. It’s not that big of a deal. It’s expected living in suburbs built in the middle of farmland.”