Committee approves enhanced Green Bin program

Garbage day. Photo by Glen Gower

Dog waste could be allowed in green bins starting in mid-2019, following a report approved by the Environment and Climate Protection Committee. Residents could also put their organic waste in plastic bags, addressing concerns about odours and pests in green bins.

The revised contract with Orgaworld Canada Ltd., the service provider for the City’s Green Bin program, would expand service for an additional $626,000 per year and end current litigation. It would also divert more waste, helping to extend the life of the Trail Road landfill and meet new provincial targets for waste diversion.

The remaining 12 years of the contract would see an increased processing rate for the enhanced service, a lower minimum tonnage, more operational flexibility and a beneficial-use end product that could be used as compost and soil enhancement or fertilizer.

This report will be considered by City Council on Wednesday, March 28.


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