(A loaded truck of food donations received from the Stittsville community to support the Operation Come Home food drive held on August 12, 2023 by the Rotary Club of Ottawa-Stittsville at Brown’s Your Independent Grocer. L-R Charles Mossman, Michael Dixon, Chris Duarti of Operation Come Home (in the truck), Annette Lindsay and Carolyn Clarke. (Photos: Stittsville Central)
The Stittsville Rotarians held a very successful food drive in support of Operation Come Home on August 12, 2023 with the assistance of Brown’s Your Independent Grocer where the food drive took place. This was another important community service event held by the Rotarians.
Organized to benefit Operation Come Home, the food drive raised over $1,300 from customer donations, along with 16 boxes of groceries that were worth another $800-$1,000. The Rotary Club of Ottawa-Stittsville also contributed a $500 donation to the organization.

Rotary Club member and Treasurer, Charles Mossman, shared, “our club and Operation Come Home would like to thank the generous Stittsville customers at Brown’s and the store management for supporting Operation Come Home by allowing us to solicit donations at its Stittsville store. It was a successful event in support of real need in the city of Ottawa.”
This community service event was organized to benefit Operation Come Home, an employment, education, and support centre for homeless and at-risk youth age 16 and up. Located at 150 Gloucester Street in downtown Ottawa, programs of the centre focus on what works and what matters to youth, encouraging personal growth of everyone as an individual. The Youth Drop-In and Resource Centre is a venue for at-risk and homeless youth to gain access to information and resources in order to develop positive options for getting off the street. The transitional educational model is designed to engage street involved youth in academic studies outside of the traditional classroom setting.

The Stittsville Rotarians extend their grateful appreciation for those in the community who made the food drive a success. They also extend their thanks to Brown’s Independent Grocer who hosted the food drive at the store, the generous Stittsville residents who freely donated food items, Operation Come Home volunteers who came to help and local media who publicized the event.
For more information on Operation Come Home check out the website: https://operationcomehome.ca/.
To discover more of what our local Rotarians do, visit their website at: https://portal.clubrunner.ca/1100 or send along any questions to info@stittsvillerotary.com.