Councillor Gower, this week, is asking Stittsville residents to thank the front-line workers at the Queensway-Carleton Hospital for their extensive labour of care to keep us safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. He shares amazing drawings of Alex the Fox; some further information on the tree clearing at Cope Drive/Porter Place; and, provides the opportunity for you to shape the future of Stittsville Main Street.
Saying thanks to the Queensway-Carleton Hospital
As we head towards the Holiday Season, I want to invite Stittsville residents to join me in saying “THANK YOU” to doctors, nurses and staff at the Queensway-Carleton Hospital by sending them a thank you or Christmas card.
The Queensway-Carleton is Stittsville’s hospital, and they’ve been front-and-centre in responding to COVID-19 and keeping our community safe and healthy. Their staff also runs the Moodie Drive COVID-19 assessment centre.
Starting this week, you can drop off your cards at Brown’s Your Independent Grocer. Look for the sign and drop-off location. You can also mail them to my office at City Hall: 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario, K2P 1J1. (No drop-offs please.) We’ll collect all of the cards on December 23 and deliver them to the hospital.
Alex the Fox captured in drawings of Grade 3 class
I just had to share these colourful artistic tributes to Alex the Fox, created by Grade 3 students at A. Lorne Cassidy school. Great artwork!

Tree clearing – Cope Drive, Porter Place
This is not news that I like to share, however I want to make sure the community is fully aware of what’s going on, and why. Cavanagh Construction has started tree clearing to allow for construction of a trunk sewer along the future Cope Drive corridor, east of Shea Road. They have a permit for the work, and it will be monitored by the City’s forestry staff.
The trees being cleared are just south of the area designated for protection as part of Shea Woods. This wooded area is a popular spot for dog walking, however please remember it is private property. Please be mindful of the construction fencing and stay safe while the tree clearing is in progress. More info here…
Cavanagh will also be hand-cutting some trees near the Porter Place neighbourhood to create a pathway connecting from Porter Street to the pathway network adjacent to Coyote Run Park. The new pathway will follow roughly the same line as the existing informal pathway through the woods. More info here…
Please contact me with any questions about either of these locations.
Call for interest: join the Stittsville Main Street steering committee
Throughout our consultation process about revitalizing Stittsville Main, we’ve met residents, business owners, former municipal planners, and local organizations who care about the future of the street and want to be involved. We’re establishing a small steering committee (approximately 12 people) to guide the next steps. Click here for more info…