We finally had a weekend of glorious weather that is well-deserved. Councillor Gower is sharing some reminders to residents for courtesy and safety when you are enjoying the great outdoors. If you are looking for wood chips for your garden, the Public Works yard on Maple Grove have some available and if you have larger tree cuttings, brush or branches, you can drop them off for free at the Trail Road Waste Facility until April 21st. The City’s street sweepers will be out clearing the winter debris, but note there will be parking restrictions when this takes place. More Bell fibre installations will be taking place in Stittsville. An update is provided by Councillor Gower on this past week’s Transit Commission meeting. Being Volunteer Week, what better time to get your nominations submitted to Councillor Gower for the Stittsville Volunteer Awards – the deadline to submit is end of day on April 21st. See more updates and information below.

Enjoying the warmer weather
I usually write these updates late on a Sunday. Today I’m just back from my first longer bike ride of the season, checking in on community events and running some errands. It was great to see so many people out walking, biking, and enjoying the fresh air.
A few reminders for courtesy and safety:
- Drivers, please watch for pedestrians and cyclists and give lots of space when passing. Follow the posted speed limit: 40km/h on most residential streets, and come to a full stop at stop signs.
- Cyclists, stay off sidewalks and yield to pedestrians on the Trans Canada Trail. Make sure you have a bell and use it to alert other trail users when you’re passing.
- All trail users should stay to the right of the path unless passing.
- The maximum speed on the Trans Canada Trail is 20km/h.
- Dogs should be on leash and under control at all times.
- Motorized vehicles like dirt bikes are not allowed on the Trans Canada Trail.
Watch for details coming soon about this year’s family bike ride! In the meantime, enjoy the warmer weather and have fun exploring our community.

Storm clean-up
Clean-up continues after the ice storm and will take several weeks.
Woodchips are available for residents free of charge at several locations including the Public Work yards at 1655 Maple Grove Road. Availability will be on a first come first serve basis. City staff are asking anyone coming by to please bring your own shovel, gloves, and container for easy transport and to abide by the safety instructions posted at each site. The site is open 24/7. When collecting your woodchips please be sure to wear gloves, appropriate footwear and to be aware of other individuals and vehicles at the yards or facilities.
Until end of day Friday, April 21, larger tree cuttings, branches and brush may be brought to the City’s Trail Waste Facility free of charge. Standard rates will apply starting Saturday, April 22. Otherwise, you can place branches curbside, for chipping or collection by specialized City and contracted crews. Please bundle them up and tie with twine. There is no need to call 3-1-1 at this time.
The City is continuing its commitment to re-establishing the lost tree canopy by re-planting lost City trees. Residents who would like a tree replacement on the City’s right of way are encouraged to request it through the Trees in Trust program. Staff will continue to assess the loss of trees in City-owned parks before planning for their replacement.

City-wide street sweeping commences
An important part of the City’s spring maintenance activities is street sweeping operations to ensure that areas such as sidewalks, roads and the cycling network are clear of debris. Staff aim to complete residential sweeping during the day and move to main streets overnight, however, this may not be possible at all times. There are no parking restrictions during city-wide street sweeping operations. Learn more…
The latest on Bell fibre installations
Bell has several projects beginning in Stittsville to install fiber optic cable. First up are streets in the Forest Creek and Harry Douglas Dr. area. Details at glengower.ca/bell/
A recap of Transit Commission
Our Transit Commission last week was jam packed with information and updates, including the latest ridership and service numbers. I’ve shared a summary on my web site: Read more…

Kids can “Play Free”
Children and youth of Ottawa can participate in “Play Free” – a lineup of free drop-in activities that includes gym sports, swimming, museums and skating. Youth aged 17 and under can participate in activities at rec centres across Ottawa, including at CARDELREC in Stittsville. More info…

Nominations are open
Do you know a person, business or community group going above and beyond to make a difference in Stittsville? We want to hear about them! The Stittsville Volunteer Awards are an opportunity to highlight and celebrate the dedication of volunteers in our community. Nominations must be received by email at the end of day on April 21, 2023, and the awards celebration will take place May 31. More info here…

Registration is open
Twice a year, thousands of residents help keep our community spaces clean and green through Cleaning the Capital and you can join them by registering for the spring 2023 campaign. To learn more about the campaign or to register your project, visit ottawa.ca/clean.

Are you ready?
An emergency preparedness kit will help ensure your safety and the safety of your family. Preparing one is easy, inexpensive, and quick. Your emergency preparedness kit should contain adequate supplies to keep you and your family self-sufficient in your home for at least 72 hours. To find out more about what you can do to be prepared, visit Ottawa.ca for more emergency kit ideas.
Get in touch! Écrivez-nous!
If we can help in any way, please email me at glen.gower@ottawa.ca or leave a voicemail at 613-580-2476. Please call 3-1-1 if you require immediate assistance. – Councillor Glen Gower