COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower

Councillor Gower keeps the community updated with his weekly notes to Stittsville Central, as well as through his website. Our Councillor shares his vision of the Official Plan and where Stittsville fits in; proposed development information; a request to respond to a Parks and Recreation survey; along with some virtual programs offered at the Stittsville Library.

The Official Plan and what it means for Stittsville

Back in May, Council voted to expand Ottawa’s urban boundary (the lands available for future development) by 1,281 hectares. This was necessary because Ottawa is expected to grow to 1.4 million residents by 2046, and they’ll need places to live. Through what staff call a “balanced growth” plan, 51% of this growth will be through lands already in the urban boundary (“intensification”). The rest will be through new expansion lands.

This week, the Planning Committee and the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee is deciding where the 1,011 of those 1,281 hectares will be located (the remaining 270 will be decided later).

There are two parcels of land proposed for residential development, and another piece of land for industrial growth. We’re also going to introduce “gating criteria” that will prevent development from happening in the new clusters until adequate road and transportation networks are completed to support them. That’s a big problem that we have now with development and it needs to be fixed with the new Official Plan. You can read more about what’s being proposed here…

Proposed development updates/Parks and recreation feedback

Thank you to residents who joined us for a public meeting about the proposed plan for 5618 Hazeldean Road last week. You can watch a video of the meeting here…

Take a look at the approved design for the future Paseana Park, located at Paseana Place in the Fernbank community (near the intersection of Cope Drive and Rouncey). Click here…

The City wants your input on what features should be in your parks and recreation centres. An online survey is now live on until February 5.

Updates from the Stittsville library

The library is open for Curbside Holds pickups. You can order books online through the library website (

There are some great online programs coming for children, teens, and adults. Including:

Stay informed on City initiatives by subscribing to Councillor Gower’s e-newsletter at‘. You can also contact him by telephone at 613-580-2476 or email Follow him on the web –


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