With the long weekend behind us, Councillor Gower is sharing community information on upcoming meetings, news and events in the Stittsville community. On August 12, there will be a Pride Week Flag Raising that residents are invited to attend; he shares the “Making a Difference” series featuring Bruce Dudley; registration is opening for fall recreation activities; provides information on the development of a new iteration of the Older Adult Plan; an upcoming public session on the new Zoning By-law; an update on the Carp Road construction, as well as the Johnwoods pathway constructions; ensure you vaccinations are up-to-date for Pertussis (Whooping Cough); the Ottawa Humane Society is seeking your input to a survey; and, there is a call for nominations for the Stittsville Sports Hall of Fame. If you have an issue or require information, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Councillor at the contact information below.

Pride Week Flag Raising Ceremony on August 12
You’re invited to join us for this year’s Stittsville Pride Week Flag Raising Ceremony to honour and recognize the challenges, achievements, and history of activism of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. The ceremony will be held on Monday, August 12, at 5:00 p.m. at Village Square Park (6000 Abbott Street at Stittsville Main). The event will happen rain or shine. The park is served by OC Transpo Route 61 and parking is available nearby at the municipal parking lot on Stittsville Main. Special guests include Kimberlee Barter from Centre 33 and Mayor Mark Sutcliffe. Capital Pride, Ottawa’s Pride Festival, runs from August 17-25. I’m away during that week but I didn’t want to miss this important annual event, so the pride flag will fly at Village Square Park for two weeks this year instead of one. All are welcome, and we hope to see you there!

The latest in our “Making a Difference” series features Bruce Dudley and his passion and stewardship of natural areas in and around Stittsville. “I have been passionate about the environment my entire life,” says Bruce, a 24-year resident of Stittsville. “Growing up, I spent a lot of time in nature and developed a passion for protecting our native species.” Read more…

Get ready to register for fall recreation and culture programs
Grab your swim goggles, sharpen your skates, and get your paintbrushes ready! It’s almost time to register for fall recreation and culture programs. Starting Tuesday, July 30, browse ottawa.ca to start planning your fall activities. Registration opens for:
- Fall swimming lessons on Tuesday, August 13 at 9 pm
- All recreation and cultural fall activities and, PA days and winter camps on Thursday, August 15 at 9 pm

Older Adult Plan Consultation
Ottawa’s population is growing, changing, and aging. To reflect the findings from the Evaluation Report, and to adapt to new and emerging needs from older adults, the City is engaging in the development of a new iteration of the Older Adult Plan. Read more and take the survey…

Save the date: New Zoning By-law info session on September 11
We will be co-hosting a Stittsville-Kanata virtual community information session on Ottawa’s proposed new Zoning By-law with Councillor Cathy Curry and Councillor Allan Hubley on the evening of September 11, 2024. City staff will be covering key topics relevant to our area, as well as sharing information about the basics of zoning, key concepts of the proposed by-law, and answering your questions. City staff will be sharing the registration link two weeks before the meeting, so stay tuned. More information on the Zoning By-Law update is available on Engage Ottawa.

Carp Road construction update
With field work beginning on Carp Road this month, we’ve been getting a lot of questions about the future upgrades to the road and when construction will start. We’ve posted some additional information about what the upgraded road will look like, and timelines. Read more…

UPDATE: Johnwoods pathway construction
Beginning in August, the City of Ottawa will begin construction along Johnwoods Street to improve existing pedestrian and cycling connectivity conditions as well as overall street improvements. This year, a new three metre pathway is being constructed along Rosehill from the end of the pathway to Kinalea, via Alon. Next year, the pathway between Alon and Hazeldean will be upgraded. Read more…

OPH reminds families to stay up to date on routine vaccines amid an increase in reports of pertussis (whooping cough)
Ottawa Public Healthis reminding parents and caregivers to ensure their children and youth are up to date on their routine vaccines as we approach the school year. Locally, OPH has received reports of 32 people with confirmed or probable pertussis in Ottawa. Ontario has seen a rise in whooping cough cases, with over 500 cases reported between January and July 24, 2024. Read more…

Humane Society survey on stray cats
The Ottawa Humane Society wants to know your thoughts on stray, feral, and free-roaming cats in the city of Ottawa and surrounding areas. Take their survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DM2LCKV

Call for Nominations: Stittsville Sports Hall of Fame
The Stittsville Sports Hall of Fame recognizes excellence and athletic achievement in national and international competitions by athletes representing or originating from Stittsville. The Hall of Fame Committee invites anyone to nominate candidates who have succeeded at the professional, national, world, international, or Olympic levels. More info here…

Get in touch!
If we can help in any way, please email me at glen.gower@ottawa.ca or leave a voicemail at 613-580-2476. Please call 3-1-1 if you require immediate assistance. – Councillor Glen Gower