Another week has quickly passed and with that, Councillor Gower is bringing you updates on the 2025 City of Ottawa draft budget and a public information session being held on November 26th. West Side Pride and Centre33 are holding a Trans Day of Remembrance on November 20 as well as an event – Trans(form) the Narrative on November 23. Celebrate 50 Years with the Stittsville Library staff on November 23. Volunteers still required for the Parade of Lights on December 7. Contingency options are available during the Canada Post strike. Upcoming construction on Abbott Street, East at Metric Circle. An update on the Robert Grant extension construction. A series of customer engagement events hosted by Para Transpo is upcoming for all Para Transpo customers, their families, companions and support persons. The pool at CARDELRec Complex is temporarily closed for mechanical maintenance. Support local – the Stittsville Business Association is hosting Stittsville Spree from November 15 to December 31, 2024. If the Councillor can help in any, reach out at the contact information below.

City Council tables the 2025 Draft Budget
Last Wednesday, City Council tabled the 2025 Draft Budget. It’s always a big day and it kicks off a month of discussion and debate around what the City should be prioritizing with your tax dollars.
The theme of this year’s budget is to build a city that’s safe, fair and affordable for all. There are investments in more than 100 service areas that keep Ottawa running, while balancing with current economic realities.
For Stittsville, there are three important areas where there is new funding:
- $10.4-million to start the upgrade of Carp Road in 2025
- 22 new firefighters who will work out of Station 81 on Stittsville Main Street, alongside the current volunteers
- Funding to begin detailed design and construction of Fernbank District Park (near Abbott and the Trans Canada Trail, east of Robert Grant Avenue)
The proposed property tax increase for this year is 3.9%, which includes 2.9% on the main tax bill and 1% for the transit levy. The budget also identifies $54.2 million in savings through service reviews and continuous improvement initiatives, bringing the total to $207.7 million in savings since 2023. A summary of this year’s budget highlights is available on my web site…
What’s next
For more information on Draft Budget 2025, you can visit There are detailed budget books, comparisons with other cities, and a “budget explorer” tool where you can dive into the details. You can share your feedback by visiting Engage Ottawa or emailing me.
I’m also co-hosting a public information session on November 26 with Councillors Curry and Hubley from Kanata. That’s at 7:00pm at Tony Graham Recreation Complex (100 Charlie Rogers Place), or on Zoom. More info here…

November 20: Trans Day of Remembrance
West Side Pride and Centre33 have teamed up to organize an event to celebrate the Trans Day of Remembrance. This event will be held at the Kanata United Church, 33 Leacock Drive, at 3:30 p.m. and will include a flag raising to commemorate this important day. For further information, please contact

SATURDAY: Ottawa Public Library’s Stittsville branch celebrates its 50th anniversary!
Date: Saturday, November 23, 2024
Time: 10:30 am to 4 pm
Location: 1637 Stittsville Main Street
10:30 am – Library-themed Storytime
11 am – 1:30 pm – Face painting, button making, puppet theatre & games
2:00 pm – Speeches, cake & beverages
2:45 pm – Rock the Arts Puppet Show – Superhero Showdown!

Volunteers needed for the Parade of Lights
The Stitsville Village Association is organizing this year’s Parade of Lights on Saturday, December 7 starting at 6:00pm on Stittsville Main Street at Brown’s Independent and continuing south to Carleton Cathcart Street. The SVA is looking for volunteers to assist with this year’s parade as well as additional floats to participate in the parade. All volunteers must be a minimum of 15 years of age or be accompanied by an adult if younger. You can use this to add to your Volunteer hours. To volunteer, please visit

Postal disruption may impact City paper billing, invoicing and notifications
The Canada Post strike action could impact the delivery of City paper billing, invoices and other notifications – including water utility bills, property tax bills, invoices and traffic-related infractions. Contingency options are available for residents and businesses. More info…

Construction on Abbott Street East at Metric Circle (overnight work)
Abbott Street East will be closed from Rouncey Road to Metric Circle overnight from Monday, November 18 to Friday, November 22, 2024, from 7:00pm-6:00am. Cavanagh Construction will be completing the installation of a watermain stub to connect to Phase 5 of the Metric Homes Trailview Subdivision.

UPDATE: Robert Grant Avenue extension construction
Overall, the project is now on track to be finished in the last half of 2025. The Hazeldean intersection is nearly completed, along with water and sewer along the entire corridor between Abbott and Hazeldean. More info…

Para Transpo Talk: November 19, 24, 25 and 27
You’re invited to Para Transpo Talk on November 19, 24, 25 and 27. Para Transpo Talk is a series of customer engagement events that are open to all Para Transpo customers, their families, companions and support persons. All are welcome, no matter how often you take Para Transpo. There’s no need to register in advance, just drop in. More info…

CARDELREC Pool Closure – Monday, November 18 – Sunday, November 24
Due to essential mechanical maintenance, the pool at CardelREC Recreation Complex will be closed from Monday, November 18 through Sunday, November 24, 2024. During this time, the pool will undergo critical repairs, including the replacement of hydrostatic valves and water treatment procedures to ensure optimal conditions. The community centre and arenas will remain open with no changes to their schedule.The pool will be drained, hydrostatic valves replaced, and water chemistry balanced over the course of several days.

Stittsville Spree
The Stittsville Spree, organized by the Stittsville Business Association (SBA), will take place from November 15 to December 31, 2024. This event encourages shoppers to support local businesses during the holiday season through enticing incentives.
For every $100 spent at participating Stittsville Business Association retailers, shoppers can submit their receipts via the Stittsville Business Association website or ballot box at select locations. Once a total of $100 is spent collectively at SBA member businesses, participants become eligible to enter a draw for a $1,000 Grand Prize shopping spree in Stittsville. Whether you’re buying gifts for loved ones, treating yourself, or stocking up for the holidays, each purchase brings you closer to winning the Grand Prize. More info here…

Get in touch! Écrivez-nous!
If we can help in any way, please email me at or leave a voicemail at 613-580-2476. Please call 3-1-1 if you require immediate assistance. – Councillor Glen Gower