Councillor Gower wants to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to complete the survey for the Transportation Master Plan. Until October 23, you can fill out a questionnaire on what a fair and equitable transportation system looks like, and on the new technologies that are changing the way we move around the city. Your answers will help shape Ottawa’s new Active Transportation Plan to guide the policies and actions for the development of the city’s pedestrian and cycling network. It’s really important that Stittsville residents complete the survey, so that the new plan reflects our needs and so that our transportation projects get funding. The survey is at
The Councillor also shares the latest updates from Ottawa Public Health on COVID-19 and its effect on Thanksgiving. Like many other things, Thanksgiving will look and feel different this year. Ottawa Public Health is asking that you spend Thanksgiving only with those in your household. Perhaps this year, Thanksgiving can be a virtual supper by setting up a phone, tablet or laptop around the dinner table to connect with those outside your household. For now, we have to do the right thing, right now to keep ourselves and each other safe. Below are some important links that Councillor Gower advises you should visit:
- Ottawa Public Health has updated COVID-19 Testing Information.
- Exposure site infographic: a visual of the different exposure in Ottawa.
- Mapping of confirmed COVID-19 in Ottawa.
- The daily COVID-19 dashboard provides up-to-date information on COVID-19 in Ottawa.
- Stay connected: Follow Ottawa Public Health on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
The unfinished pathway between Potter’s Key and Echowoods – We’ve received a number of emails from residents about the pathway connection between the Echowoods storm pond and Samantha Eastop Avenue in Potter’s Key. This missing connection is the result of two subdivisions that were built at very different times. When Echowoods was built a few decades ago, it included a stub of pathway leading right into the Feedmill Creek corridor, which is now protected. Read more…
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The 1st photo shows the Stormwater Management Facility gabion rock (wire wrapped) berm which has flow at 2 levels. This is not a pathway and its trajectory wouldn’t take anyone to Potter’s Key. This berm first appears in GeoOttawa 2005. There is a pathway which runs along the south side of the residential units and contains a large storm sewer manhole which was built near the headwall outlet and ends about 130m from Samantha Easthorpe Avenue. There is also a gravelled overflow adjacent to the pathway and STM manhole
The Draft Plan of Subdivision shows that there really is nowhere that a pathway could start and go straight to Samantha Easthope Avenue as the trajectory is too close to the channel. It would have to be extended north and then go along the rear yards in the floodplain. It would have to start in the middle of the Pond berm and cross the overflow if it were to be on the south side of the pathway
Feedmill Creek has fish habitat and required Blandings turtle compensation land, and the Stittsville Evaluated Wetland Complex starts at SEA and extends east. These constraints make it very expensive to study and it is very unlikely that a pathway would be approved, particularly when the communities were provided with a road link