Councillor Gower keeps the residents of Stittsville informed on various activities that are going on here in the community through his weekly notes provided to Stittsville Central. He also prepares his weekend videos with updates and what to expect in the coming week. You can follow him on his social media platforms – Twitter, Facebook – or visit his website for further information. This week he shares information on vaccines, mental health, development applications and public meetings, maintenance work around the community, and, importantly how you can nominate, by April 30th, someone who has gone above and beyond in the community to receive a Stittsville Volunteer Award.
Vaccines at local phamarcies
If you are 55 or older, you’re eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine at a local pharmacy. Most Stittsville pharmacies are offering the vaccine and several have appointments available. Stittsville clinics participating in the vaccine program:
- Stittsville Whole Health Pharmacy (Stittsville Main Street)
- Hazeldean Pharmacy (Hazeldean Road)
- Shoppers Drug Mart (Stittsville Main Street)
- IDA Pharmacy (Stittsville Main Street)
- Shoppers Drug Mart (Hazeldean @ Huntmar)
- Wal-Mart Pharmacy (Fernbank Road)
- Sobeys Pharmacy (Terry Fox Drive in Kanata)
- Costco Pharmacy (Silver Severn Road in Kanata)
More information here:

Vaccine update
To date, more than 211,000 Ottawa residents have received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine. That represents 24% of the population over 16 years old.
Visit the OPH Covid-19 Vaccination page to learn who can currently get the Covid-19 vaccine and check out COVID-19 in Ottawa for the latest updates.
COVID-19 Town Halls in several languages
Ottawa Public Health together with the City of Ottawa together and community partners are hosting multilingual COVID-19 virtual town halls to answer questions and provide credible information about the COVID-19 vaccine. Visit our calendar for upcoming session.
Taking care of your mental health
It’s normal for situations like COVID-19 to affect your mental health. Everyone will experience these events in their own way. It is completely natural to feel stress and concern during these times and so it is important to practice positive coping strategies.
Visit for a listing of Mental Health Resources available to you. If you are in crisis, please contact the Mental Health Crisis Line (24 hours a day/7 days a week) at 613-722-6914. If you (or your child) are experiencing thoughts of suicide or harming yourself, please call 9-1-1.
Tree maintenance at Mary Durling Park and Orville Street
City crews will be removing a few trees and cutting back branches near the playground at Mary Durling Park (33 Brae Crescent). Many of the trees are in poor shape and pose a safety hazard for kids at the park. Last week, Hydro Ottawa removed several trees at the end of Orville Street for safety reasons in order to prevent damage to hydro lines. If you have any questions about tree removal in our community, please call 3-1-1. Most tree removals require a tree permit from the City’s forestry department.
Support our local restaurants has updated their list of Stittsville restaurants that remain open for take-out during the provincial shut-down. If you can, please support our local businesses with a take-out or curbside order.

Local Development
You can find information about development applications in Stittsville at
New applications
- 1620 Maple Grove: Richcraft wants to build 48 stacked townhomes on this site next to Poole Creek. More info…
- 6015 Fernbank Road: Previously approved in 2014, Tartan wants to switch some single and semi-detached homes for townhomes in the plan. More info…
Upcoming information meetings
- April 27: 1837 Maple Grove – application to build 90 townhomes
- April 29: 723 Putney – application to build 112 townhomes
Blasting for Shea Village
Blasting for the future Shea Village at Fernbank & Shea will be continuing for a while longer. Cavanagh says they completed more test pits on site and have found more rock than originally anticipated. With the amount of rock discovered they are anticipating approximately two more months of blasting work. More about blasting here…
Stittsville Main Street – Noise exemption – overnight on April 22-24
The City has approved an overnight noise exemption for Enbridge Gas for installation of a natural gas main at 1531 Stittsville Main Street. The work will take place from April 22 at 10:00pm to April 24 at 6:00am. Residents and businesses in the area will receive a notification in their mailbox. They’re hoping to complete the work in one night, with the second night being added for contingency.
What’s happening with the Hazeldean Road bridges?
The City of Ottawa is renewing the approach slabs, leading up to the Hazeldean bridges, located on Hazeldean Road over the Carp River. An approach slab is the transition between the asphalt roadway pavement and the bridge structure. Read more…

Call for nominations – Stittsville Volunteer Awards
Do you know a person, business or community group going above and beyond to make a difference in Stittsville? We want to hear about them! The Stittsville Volunteer Awards are an opportunity to highlight and celebrate the dedication of volunteers in our community. Nominations are now open in six different categories. Nominations must be received by email at the end of day on April 30, 2021, and the awards celebration will take place online on June 3, 2021. More info…
Get in touch!
My team and I are working every day to answer your questions and connect residents with the resources they need. If we can help in any way, please email me at or leave a voicemail at 613-580-2476.