This week, Councillor Gower is passing on information about local development, programs and relevant city events. You may be interested in receiving a tree, find out more; a vaccine update is provided; what’s new and coming to Stittsville Main; an upcoming zoom Q&A on the missing local links for walking and cycling; important planning committee meeting on May 13; and, updates and information sessions on local proposed developments.
Trees in Trust Program
From now until until the end of June, the City’s Forestry Services team will be planting new trees in parks, at City facilities, and at homes in our community. You can see a list of locations here…
Many of the trees are being planted as part of the the City’s Trees in Trust program, providing free trees for residential front lawns. Click here for more info about how you can request a tree for the fall planting season…
Councillor Chat – Thank you!
Thanks to everyone who tuned in and asked a question at last week’s Councillor Chat. We streamed it live on Zoom and Facebook and answered over 20 questions over the course of the hour. The next Councillor Chat will be on Tuesday, June 8. Watch a video from last week’s chat here…

Vaccine update
To date, more than 406,000 doses of vaccines have been administered in Ottawa and more than 40 per cent of Ottawa residents 18 years and older have received at least one dose.
Visit the OPH Covid-19 Vaccination page to learn who can currently get the Covid-19 vaccine and check out COVID-19 in Ottawa for the latest updates.
The Provincial Emergency and Stay-at-Home Order remains in effect, requiring everyone to remain at home except for essential purposes.

A new crosswalk on Stittsville Main
I’m happy to share that installation of a new pedestrian crossing on Stittsville Main Street begins May 24. It will be located south of Orville Street, near the municipal parking lot. There will be some minor disruptions to pedestrians and vehicles during construction.
Why here? It will provide a safe mid-block crossing point between the lights at Abbott and the lights at Carleton Cathcart. Better safety, accessibility & a big time saver for people crossing from the municipal parking lot to existing & future shops and services on the east side of Stittsville Main.
Goulbourn Museum Speaker Series
Next up in the Goulbourn Museum’s speaker series is a behind the ‘seams’ look at the making of historical costumes with guest speaker Loree Tannett, a Perth-based seamstress and costume maker. It is free to attend and takes place (over Zoom) on Wednesday, May19 at 7 p.m. More info:

Help Identify Missing Links for Walking & Cycling
Have ideas on how to improve walking and cycling in Stittsville? Know of any “missing links” that need connecting? Now’s your chance to provide feedback! Send an email to Thanks to the many residents who have shared their feedback so far!
We’re hosting a Zoom Q&A meeting on Zoom, Tuesday, May 11 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm—along with our friends in Kanata North, Kanata South, and West Carleton-March—to bring residents, staff, and stakeholders together to help identify the highest priority projects for pedestrians and cyclists our wards. More info here…

REMINDER: 5000 Robert Grant Avenue at Planning Committee
Lépine’s proposal for 5000 Robert Grant Avenue (formerly 1000 Robert Grant Avenue) will be considered by the City of Ottawa Planning Committee this Thursday. More info…
UPDATE: 1518 Stittsville Main
Inverness Homes has submitted a second version of their plans for 1518 Stittsville Main Street after receiving comments from City planners, our office, the Urban Design Review Panel, and residents. There have been a few minor changes from the original proposal. Read more…
UPDATE: 1919 Maple Grove
The City has received a revised zoning by-law amendment and plan of subdivision application for 1919 Maple Grove Road, a 6.6-hectare parcel near the western end of the street. Read more…

Upcoming info meetings
- May 11: 1620 Maple Grove – application to build 48 townhomes
- May 20: 21 Huntmar – application to build 344 apartments
- May 25: 6015 Fernbank – revision to a previously-approved subdivision
- May 31: 1919 Maple Grove – application to build homes, townhomes, and low-rise apartments
Get in touch!
My team and I are working every day to answer your questions and connect residents with the resources they need. If we can help in any way, please email me at or leave a voicemail at 613-580-2476.