Another week has quickly passed and this week Councillor Gower is providing updates about bikes on our local pathways and trails. The City wants to receive your feedback on e-cargo bikes. Street racing has been a concern for residents and the Councillor provides information about the new fines coming into effect on July 1st and how to report this crime. Did you miss the webinar on Waste? – the video is below. Also, enjoy the comfort of the new Lions bench at Village Square Park. There are updates from Ottawa Public Health and information on the upcoming public meeting for the proposed development at 6171 Hazeldean Road.
Motorized dirt bikes are not allowed in City parks
Please remember that motorized dirt bikes are not allowed in City parks, or along pathways and trails in our community. The bikes can pose a safety hazard to park and pathway users, and they can cause damage to fields. Residents can call 9-1-1 to make a report.

Cyclists and pathways
Speaking of pathways, a reminder to cyclists to please be considerate of other pathway users. Use your bell (or your voice) to signal passing, and watch your speed on crowded paths like the Great Canadian Trial (Trans Canada Trail). Remember that sidewalk cycling is not permitted.

E-cargo bikes
E-cargo bikes can help in transporting and delivering packages. The City is looking for feedback on allowing them on our streets. Provide your input here:

The latest updates from Ottawa Public Health
- Wondering what to expect when you go to a City-run COVID-19 vaccine clinic? This walkthrough video shows you, step by step, what you’ll need to do. By getting vaccinated against COVID-19 you build #CommunityImminuty in Ottawa.
- If you booked a COVID-19 vaccine 2nd dose appointment that you no longer need, please ensure you actively cancel to free up some spots using this link:
- Do both doses in a COVID-19 vaccine series need to be the same COVID-19 vaccine? Click here to learn more.
- Curious about the number of vaccines administered in Ottawa? Check out the COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard for more information on COVID vaccine doses administered in Ottawa.
- Free counselling is now available in Arabic! Counselling Connect provides quick access to a free phone or video counselling session. In English, French and now in Arabic too. For adults in Ottawa, Renfrew, Cornwall & the places in between.

New Lions bench at Village Square Park
Congratulations – and thank you – to the Stittsville Lions on the unveiling of the new Lions bench at Village Square Park. International Lions Clubs are celebrating 100 years, and this was our local club’s centennial project.
The Lions have also presented five scholarships to several local students, each receiving $1,000 towards their future education. Recipients include: Siobhan Atkins (West Carleton Secondary School), Madison Flanagan (Sacred Heart & Fredrick Banting), Amal Abed (South Carleton), Olivia Green (South Carleton), and Steven Murphy (Sacred Heart).
Higher penalties for street racing
Good to see this: On July 1 – licence suspensions for drivers caught street racing or stunt driving will increase from seven days each to a 30-day licence suspension and a 14-day vehicle impoundment. Plus escalating license suspensions for repeat offences. If you see (or hear) street racing, please report it to police via Read more…

WATCH: Waste diversion webinar
Thanks to everyone who joined us for Thursday’s webinar about waste diversion. Not sure what to put in which bin? Click here to watch the video for tips and info…
JULY 6: Public meeting for 6171 Hazeldean Road
The City of Ottawa will hold a Public Meeting on Tuesday, July 6 at 6:30 pm on Zoom to discuss the proposed plan of subdivision at 6171 Hazeldean. The land is immediately south of the Potter’s Key neighbourhood, just west of Giant Tiger. More info…

Keep in touch with your comments or ideas with Councillor Gower. Contact him by telephone 613-580-2476 or email at Check out his website for updates and news as well –