(Scott Phelan and the Stittsville Minor Hockey Association took over the installation and maintenance of the outdoor rink at Village Square Park for 2020-21 – a much appreciated gesture. Photo: Scott Phelan, Village Square Rink Fb page)
This week Councillor Gower is seeking volunteers to help out at the various outdoor rinks in a few of our Stittsville parks. Did you get your flu shot? The Councillor received his and encourages others to also do so. Councillor Gower thanks the Military Wives Choir who performed at the Stittsville Lions Club tree lighting ceremony at Village Square Park. Barbara Robson has written another book – Alex in Amberwood – with illustrations by Christina Bugatsch. He also provides some Q&As to learn more about the proposed development sites at 37 Wildpine and 360 Bobolink. These are just a few of his updates for this week, so read on for more.
Volunteers, health and events
The temperature is turning colder and outdoor rink season is just a few weeks away. We’re looking for volunteers to help operate and maintain rinks across our community, including at Mark Yakabuski Park (Fernbank), Ralph Street Park (Ralph Street), and Joe Lewis Park (Potter’s Key). Please email me for more information.
I got my flu shot last week. This year, flu vaccines are available at pharmacies, family doctors, and at community clinics set up by Ottawa Public Health. Getting your annual flu vaccine is an important way to help protect yourself, your family and high risk groups in your community against seasonal flu. It will also help reduce the burden on Canada’s health care system. More info at ottawapublichealth.ca.
A big thank you to the Stittsville Lions for organizing Saturday night’s tree lighting event at Village Square Park, featuring music from the Military Wives Choir.
Friends of Amberwood have launched a new children’s book called Alex in Amberwood, written by Barbara Robson and illustrated by Christina Bugatsch. The book is a fundraiser for the Amberwood Village Recreation Association to buy family-friendly items. You can reserve a copy by e-mailing friendsofamberwood@gmail.com, or pick one up on Thursdays and Sundays between 1pm-4pm at the club’s gallery, just beside the ALE entrance.
And finally, Happy Hanukkah to everyone celebrating the Festival of Lights this week. May your days be full of blessings. Hanukkah Sameach!
Local development updates
Two development files are generating a lot of interest and questions from residents, so I’ve posted a Q&A with answers to some of the common questions on each file:
- Q&A: 37 Wildpine
- Q&A: 360 Bobolink
Upcoming Development info meetings
- 1037 Carp Road – An info meeting is scheduled for November 30.
- 37 Wildpine – An info meeting is scheduled for December 6.
- 360 Bobolink – An info meeting will be held on December 15.
- 1927 Maple Grove – new proposal for townhomes received – meeting date to be confirmed
- Details at http://glengower.ca/development
Video: Development updates
Last week, I hosted a video chat with updates on all of the local development applications in progress in Stittsville. I pulled out a map and some sharpies and we went through active files in each neighbourhood. If you’re curious about what’s happening near you, check out this video.
DECEMBER 8: Walkable Ottawa workshop
Ecology Ottawa is holding a workshop for residents of the Stitsville community, led by Walkable Ottawa’s founder Rosaline Hill and volunteer Carolyn Mackenzie. The purpose of the workshop will be to identify and map the barriers to walkability in your neighbourhood, and the missing pieces required to make your neighbourhood a complete community. This is a grassroots initiative to better understand the neighbourhood and help plan an evolution to a complete 15-minute neighbourhood.
The workshop is planned for Wednesday, December 8. To register for the workshop, visit: https://www.ecologyottawa.ca/stittsville_15_mins_neighbourhood.
OC Transpo unveils Ottawa’s first battery-electric buses
Residents will soon see a new type of bus rolling down Ottawa’s streets. The four new 40-foot battery-electric buses will be ready to enter service in early 2022 and will be housed at OC Transpo’s St-Laurent Garage. The garage has undergone significant retrofits to welcome the new electric buses, with four plug-in style charging stations installed by Envari Energy Solutions, a subsidiary of Hydro Ottawa. Read more…
Planning Committee approves $17 million to develop more affordable and supportive housing
Planning Committee approved its draft budget for 2022, which invests $17 million to develop more affordable and supportive housing for residents in greatest need, which includes $15 million in capital funding and $2 million in development charge exemptions. The City aims to leverage the equivalent in new federal and provincial investments, which could result in up to 500 new supportive and affordable housing units per year over the next 10 years. Read more…
OC Transpo Food Drive
OC Transpo is holding its 37th Annual OC Transpo/Loblaw Christmas Food Drive on Saturday, December 4 from 10 am to 5 pm, at participating Loblaw banner stores throughout the city. In Stittsville, stores include Brown’s Independent on Stittsville Main Street, and No Frills on Iber Road.
You can donate non-perishable food items in the large food bank bins located inside participating Loblaws, Real Canadian Superstore, Your Independent Grocer and No Frills stores across Ottawa. You can also make a monetary donation through cashiers at participating stores. Items such as rice, soup, tuna, pasta, diapers, baby food, baby formula, peanut butter, tomato sauce, and stews make great donation items.
CARDELREC pool closure for lighting upgrade
The pool at CARDELREC will be closed from December 6-27 for an upgrade of the pool lighting system. The project focuses on Retrofits, Repairs and Upgrades for Municipal Buildings supported by Ontario Builds.
Get in touch!
My team and I are working every day to answer your questions and connect residents with the resources they need. If we can help in any way, please email me at glen.gower@ottawa.ca or leave a voicemail at 613-580-2476. NEW: Message us on WhatsApp at 613-277-0193. – Councillor Glen Gower