COMMUNITY NOTES: from the desk of Councillor Gower

Welcome to Spring and with that Councillor Gower encourages residents to get involved by registering for Cleaning the Capital. With Spring having arrived, the Ottawa West Arts Association have launched their newest exhibit – Spring Blooms. He also extends congrats to AmaturRaheem Salam-Alada for her recognition award as a Black History Month Community Builder. Having been the 2021 Stittsville Volunteer Youth Awardee, the Counillor reminds everyone that the Stittsville Volunteer Awards are around the corner so get your nominations registered (links below). He updates residents on development projects in Stittsville, how to use roundabouts and his upcoming Councillor’s Chat among other subjects.

Register now for Cleaning the Capital & help clean up our parks
It’s time for some spring cleaning! Registration for the annual Cleaning the Capital Spring Campaign is underway. Gather your family or a group of friends and neighbours, and register to clean up one our local park or green spaces. Visit or call 3-1-1 to register. The City will provide cleanup kits (garbage bags and gloves) for each registered group.

In 2019, the last time we did a full Cleaning the Capital event, we had groups helping out at just about every single park location in Stittsville. Let’s do that again this year and pitch in to keep our community looking great!

MAKING A DIFFERENCE: AmaturRaheem Salam-Alada
For AmaturRaheem Salam-Alada, advocating for inclusion and empowering others to support diversity comes second nature. Not only is AmaturRaheem the recipient of the 2021 Stittsville Volunteer Youth Award, but she was also recently recognized with a Black History Month Community Builder Award for her advocacy for inclusivity in the classroom.

“It is important to get involved and put yourself out there to affect change,” says AmaturRaheem. “I want to help make change for all students, to make a difference.” Read more…

MARCH 29: Councillor Chat on Ottawa’s Affordable Housing Strategy
Join me on Tuesday, March 29 at 7:00 pm for a presentation and discussion with Saide Sayah, the Director of Housing Services for the City of Ottawa. We’ll have a Q&A for all your questions about Ottawa’s affordable housing strategy. More info…

NOTEBOOK: The Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force
The housing crisis is front and centre in much of my work at City Hall, especially in my role as co-chair of the Planning Committee. I talk about it from time to time in my weekly videos and public meetings, but I still don’t think we talk about it enough as a community here in Stittsville. In this post, I’m focusing on the Ontario goverenment’s recent task force report on housing affordability. Read more…

Have your say on how we manage garbage, recycling, and food waste
The City has launched a new round of public engagement on the Solid Waste Master Plan. Input will help shape the draft plan to determine Ottawa’s future waste management system. Share your thoughts and help us move toward a zero-waste future. The City is asking for feedback on a short list of options for the plan. They want to know how far, how fast, and at what cost you would like the City to move towards a zero-waste future. Read more…

2022 Stittsville Volunteer Awards: Call for Nominations
Do you know a person, business or community group going above and beyond to make a difference in Stittsville? We want to hear about them! The Stittsville Volunteer Awards are an opportunity to highlight and celebrate the dedication of volunteers in our community.

Nominations must be received by email at the end of day on April 20, 2022. For more information and to download the nomination form, visit

585 Bobolink Ridge
The City of Ottawa has received a Site Plan Control application from Taggart to permit the construction of a planned unit development at 585 Bobolink Ridge. The development will involve eight new three-storey buildings containing 76 back-to-back townhomes. Read more…

RECAP: Pre-construction meeting for development at 5 Orchard
Construction is beginning soon on a development called “Flora, Stittsville” at 5 Orchard Drive, north of Cloverloft Court. Campanale Homes and their contractor, Cavanagh Construction, are building townhomes on a cul-de-sac extending from Fringewood Drive. There is also a Shell gas station and retail plaza planned for future phases. Read more…

RECAP: Pre-construction meeting for development at 1837 & 1849 Maple Grove
Construction is beginning soon on a development at 1837 and 1849 Maple Grove Road, where Mattamy is building 90 new homes. The two heritage structures on the site—a stone cottage and the Patrick Hartin house — will be retained and incorporated into the new development. Read more…

Q&A: Does an increase in the value of my home mean my property tax will be higher?
With home prices increasing rapidly over the past couple of years, several residents have asked if their property taxes will jump significantly as a result. The short answer: No, increasing real estate prices will not mean a jump in your municipal taxes. Since home prices are increasing across the City at a roughly equal rate, the rising cost of real estate alone should not affect your individual property tax rate. Read more…

OWAA Spring Blooms Exhibition
The Ottawa West Arts Association ( presents Spring Blooms from March 19 to May 6. Visit the owaa gallery to view beautiful new artworks by local artists at the CARDELREC Complex-Goulbourn, 1500 Shea Road, Stittsville. Open 7 days a week, 7 am-8 pm. Free Admission.

All about roundabouts!
Roundabouts are easy to navigate and great for traffic once you know the basics. Learn about roundabout right-of-way, what to do when an emergency vehicle approaches, and more from the Ottawa Safety Council:

Get in touch!
My team and I are working every day to answer your questions and connect residents with the resources they need. If we can help in any way, please email me at or leave a voicemail at 613-580-2476. You can also message us on WhatsApp at 613-277-0193 – Councillor Glen Gower.


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