This week, Councillor Gower shares important information from the Ottawa Police regarding safety in our community; winter parking bans; a house decorating contest held by the Stittsville Lions Club; a virtual silent auction hosted by St. Thomas Anglican Church. There is an update on the Huntmar Drive temporary closure; the revised zoning application for 1620 Maple Grove and a proposed development at 130 Huntmar Drive.
Making the right call on community safety

I’ve had several conversations recently with Ottawa Police about recent safety and vandalism incidents at local parks. Police are aware of resident concerns and have increased patrols in our neighbourhood at several locations.
The main message that police have asked me to share is about the importance of reporting incidents to by-law or police. Call by-law (3-1-1) to report after-hours park use or vandalism. Call 9-1-1 for emergencies, crimes in progress, and life-threatening situations. Call the police non-emergency line at 613-236-1222 x7300 to report non-emergencies.
Besides alerting law enforcement officials about an immediate problem, these reports also provide data to help identify trends and problem spots.
Let’s all continue to work together to keep our community safe and secure.
Temporary winter parking bans
The City is making four additional locations available to residents to this winter to park their vehicles during temporary winter parking bans, including the Kanata Rec Centre on Terry Fox Drive. That’s in addition to municipal parking garages, several park-and-rides, and other locations in Ottawa. You can see a full list here…
Lions Christmas decorating contest
The Stittsville District Lions are hosting a contest for the best decorated Christmas house. Send your photos to with your phone number and address for a chance to win one of three prizes. Entries will be received until December 15 and winners announced December 20. (Only non-professional entries please).

St. Thomas Anglican Church Virtual Silent Auction
Bid on 20 intriguing items between now and November 30 and support fundraising efforts for St. Thomas Anglican Church. Browse the items here:

Huntmar Drive temporary road closure – delayed til December
The overnight closure of Huntmar Drive this week has been postponed until December. Details to come.
Revised application for 130 Huntmar
The City has received a second version for a proposed development on this property. The developer (Urbandale / Lioness) wants to build a mixed-use subdivision with 631 homes (singles, townhomes and low-rise apartments) along with blocks reserved for commercial uses, a school and a park. Read more…

Zoning by-law amendment for 1620 Maple Grove Road
The City of Ottawa has received a Zoning By-law Amendment application to permit back-to-back townhomes in a Richcraft development at 1620 Maple Grove Road. This is a correction to a technical omission in the original zoning approved several years ago. Read more…

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