Community Voice editor running for council – takes leave from local Stittsville newspaper

Patrick Uguccioni has taken a leave as Editor of the Community Voice newspaper group to run for City council in Cumberland Ward. Photo: Submitted)

Patrick Uguccioni was instrumental in the start-up of the family of Community Voice newspapers in the area – including our Stittsville edition. The newspaper was well received when it replaced the long time running Stittsville News, by continuing to bring local stories to the community. Stittsville Central wanted to know why Patrick would take a leave from the paper and totally change direction to run for Ottawa City Council in the 400 square kilometer urban/rural Ward of Cumberland.

We got in touch to find out more. Patrick had previously worked for City Hall for 20 years in communications and felt with his strong convictions on transit, ward boundaries and the upcoming pandemic budget he could bring more to the Council table. “This by-election is certainly non-traditional,” Patrick says, “relying on media and social media to get my message out is different”. Patrick has resided in Orleans for 12 years and is married with two young children.

With no incumbent in the Cumberland Ward – previously Steven Blais held the positon, but stepped down to run in the provincial election and was successful in being elected – Patrick felt the time was right to step up and speak out. Currently, most of the past Mayors of Ottawa have shown their support for Patrick.

We asked Patrick what he feels are the most important challenges facing Ottawa? He says, “After taking the politicians to task – ‘it was time I put my money where my mouth is’ – and asks, “where is the money going to come from to meet the needs of the City”. With ridership down by 80% at OC Transpo, no blueprint plan to follow for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the most important budget coming since amalgamation, Patrick wants to see the people of Cumberland and area well represented and be a part of the balance for this term of office.

Patrick said while he is out in the community speaking to people, the issues expressed are no different from those of Stittsville. He indicated that people are skeptical to ride transit and concerned for the future of the City regarding tax increases, the LRT contract and extension, traffic and other services.

We wanted to know if elected on which committees would Patrick be interested in becoming a member. He quickly responded with his vision, “Planning…would like to see Ottawa grow from a bytown to a metropolis and I see the next growth as an opportunity for the City”. He went on to say that a ‘balanced approach’ needs to be taken on the ward boundaries, but they do need to be changed.

When asked about leaving The Community Voice, “I’m sorry to leave it behind, but I am ready to start another chapter in life.” If you would like to support or touch base with Patrick, his website is

Here at Stittsville Central, we wish you the best in this new juncture in life. Your spot-on editorials will be missed Patrick.


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