Councillor seeks feedback on Fernbank sign and landscaping

(via Councillor Shad Qadri)

UPDATE, JULY 25: Results from the voting are 54% for Option 3, 21% for Option 2, 16% for Option 4 and 9% for Option 1.  “I liked all options and Option 3 certainly stood out for many residents; as such, I approve of this decision. I would like to thank all residents for taking the time to play a role in this planning process. As updates arise such as final approval and construction timelines, I will be certain to include them within my weekly electronic column,” wrote Qadri in an email to residents.

This fall, the City will build an community entry feature for the Fernbank Community at the intersection of Fernbank Road and Robert Grant Avenue. This feature:
• Is expected to be completed this fall.
• Is a requirement of the Fernbank Community Design Plan.
• Will be completed as part of the Robert Grant Avenue construction project.
• Will feature a sign component on the east side of the intersection.
• Will feature landscaping on both sides of the intersection.

Four options have been provided by the design team for public consideration and comment. All four designs include the community name and proposed landscaping. The finalized entry feature design is anticipated to be complete by the fall of 2016 prior to construction of the feature.

Although I have noticed some positive discussion and ideas being talked about, unless it is sent via email, it may not be seen or acknowledged. As such, I encourage all residents to email me their preferred option. To do so, or to share additional comments, questions or would like more information, please contact my office at Responses are required by July 22, 2016.

Here are the four options. Click on any image for full size.

Fernbank community entrance feature option Fernbank community entrance feature option Fernbank community entrance feature option Fernbank community entrance feature option



2 thoughts on “Councillor seeks feedback on Fernbank sign and landscaping”

  1. Funny how that row of trees is shown when there is a transit station and park-and-ride planned for that corner. A plan which shows the position of this gateway feature in relation to these would be useful. Also the man walking the dog on the grass? Is there going to be a sidewalk along Fernbank? The 2 Community Gateways should be the same – the 2d one is at the north end of the future extension of Robert Grant – it also needs a plan to make sure it will fit. The sign will face agricultural lands – the best position for viewing it should also be part of the community input. Perhaps a 2-sided sign positioned so it can be seen by cars travelling east or west. The CDP plan is at

  2. I prefer #4 simply because it will not always be facing agricultural lands since there are plans for more houses….and it looks like less maintenance. I don’t want to see something that the City will neglect, not trim the weeds etc, and less wood to stain. Although all look nice.

    But be aware! When the City asks your input they have already made a decision. They merely ask you to follow the rules; so they can say they consulted the community.

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