Deadline for entries to the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticulture Society photo contest quickly approaching

(In 2022, Ian Frei was awarded the Gillick Cup for his Best in Show entry to the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticultural Society photography contest for his Wildlife in the Garden photo. In 2022, 40 entries were received by the Society in five categories.)

Last year the Stittsville Goulbourn Horticulture Society (SGHS) celebrated 60 years in our community. This year, the members are celebrating the ‘Canadian Year of the Garden’ with red being the predominant colour found in many gardens and that they would like to see in the photos being submitted to their contest. Their first photographic competition was held in 1983 with over 100 entries being submitted including both colour slides and prints in eight classes. Today all entries are judged on an equal basis.

February 1, 2023 is the deadline for entry submissions to the 2023 SGHS photo competition (see links to enter below). There are eight classes for entries this year. Photos will be judged on horticultural and photographic value, appearance and impact, and must have been taken within 2021-2023. The judge for this year’s competition is Diane Partlo. The winners will be announced at the February 21st meeting of SGHS.

The eight categories for the photo competition are as follows:

  • Class 1: Because 2022 was the Canadian Year of the Garden, and Red was the colour of the year, show us the colour Red in the garden.
  • Class 2: Water is Life. Capture a pond, lake, stream, puddle, fountain, falling rain in a wide setting. The landscape is important.
  • Class 3: Stems, Tendrils, and Leaves. The camera angle should lead the eye to vegetables or fruit.
  • Class 4: “Colours Are the Smiles of Nature.” Quote is courtesy of Leigh Hunt. Capture the things your eyes are attracted to in the fall.
  • Class 5: The Beauty of Bugs. Closeups of interesting insects. Macro shots are accepted.
  • Class 6: Snow in the Garden. Ornamental grasses, plumes, dried seed heads or berries can be part of the inclusive picture.
  • Class 7: Patterns. A repetition of shape, colour or size found in plants. Indoor plants are eligible as well.
  • Class 8: John Curry Memorial Plaque. An historical activity shot within Goulbourn (Stittsville, Richmond, or Munster) that is newspaper worthy.

This competition is open to members of the SGHS. Visit the SGHS website to learn more on the Society. If you wish to join the SGHS, annual membership fees are reasonable at $15 for single and $25 for a family. You can join by sending an email to

For full information on the eight classes and rules visit the Calendar of Events tab, then select the SGHS Photography Competitions at

The next SGHS meeting and photo competition winner will be announced on February 21st, 2023 at the Johnny Leroux Community Centre, located at 10 Warner-Colpitts Lane in the upstairs hall. The meeting starts at 7:30pm.


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