Diabetes Canada recognizes Stittsville Lions and Lionettes

(Convey Family with Shylo the Diabetes Alert dog, Ashlee Pallotto of Diabetes Canada Ottawa Branch and Lion Marilyn Southall at the February 12, 2020 cheque presentation to Diabetes Canada. Photo: Phil Sweetnam.)

The Stittsville and District Lions Club presented a cheque on February 12, 2020 to Diabetes Canada to financially benefit children who wish to participate in Diabetes camp this coming summer.

Ashlee Pallotta, the Community Outreach Co-Ordinator for Diabetes Canada Ottawa Branch, was present to accept the generous donation of $1,600 from the Lions members.

(Ashlee Pallotta of Diabetes Canada Ottawa Branch, accepts a donation from the Stittsville Lions on February 12, 2020 for youth to attend summer Diabetes Camp. Left to right: Lion Marilyn Southall, Ashlee Pallotta and Lion Ed Meunier. Photo: Phil Sweetnam)

Guests at the evening meeting were the Convey family. Their son, Rylan Convey, knows the consequences of Type 1 Diabetes first hand. For that reason, Rylan has been teamed up with his faithful canine companion, Shylo — his Diabetic Alert dog. Rylan and Shylo were very special guests at the meeting. The Lions members learned how Shylo is trained to inform and assist Rylan, who is insulin dependent, when a sudden drop in Rylan’s blood sugar occurs. Diabetic Alert dogs are able to do this through scent and are trained to get help or set off an alert system if required. The dogs help their owner to avoid loss of consciousness or any other subsequent effects and brings about a peace of mind that provides their owners with safety, security and independence.

Lion Marilyn Southall was so pleased to have met the “wonderful Convey family and especially Rylan and his diabetes alert dog Shylo”.

Diabetes Canada also recognized the work and generosity over the years of the Stittsville Lions Club and Lionettes in their support of diabetes.

(Marilyn Broomer, President of the Stittsville Lionettes; Ashlee Pallotta Diabetes Canada Ottawa Branch; and, Marilyn Southall, Lions Tail Twister, received Certificates of Appreciation from Diabetes Canada on behalf of the Stittsville Lions Club and Lionettes – February 12, 2020. Photo: Phil Sweetnam)

Ashlee Pallotta, on behalf of Diabetes Canada, presented Certificates of Appreciation to all members of the Stittsville Lions Club and Lionettes in recognition for the many years of tireless work and contributions to enable further research on diabetes and the many activities for youth and adults living with diabetes. On hand to accept the certificates were Marilyn Southall, Lions Tail Twister and Marilyn Broomer, President of the Lionettes.


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