(Councillor Glen Gower was re-elected in Stittsville on October 24, 2022. He celebrated the win with his parents, Allen and Gail Gower, and others at Brew Revolution on election night. Photo: Barry Gray)
The Municipal Election is over and the results show that the voter turnout was extremely low. Not just in Stittsville at 45.59%, but across the province. With three levels of government having called elections over the past year, in hand with COVID weariness, the anticipation of another election just wasn’t enthralling for most. In the wake of the vote, the protest language and aggressive actions that were directed at candidates during the campaign has raised questions as to whether this is the new brand of politics that our future holds.
The newly elected slate – Mayor, Councillors and School Board Trustees – will officially take office on November 15, 2022 when the new term of council begins for 2022-26. In Stittsville, Councillor incumbent Glen Gower was re-elected, Lynn Scott will return as Trustee for the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, and newly elected Scott Phelan was elected as the Trustee for the Ottawa Catholic School Board. The seat for Ottawa Mayor was won by Mark Sutcliffe.
On his re-election, Councillor Gower told Stittsville Central, “I went into this campaign in May thinking I knew the community really well. And every time I went out knocking on doors, I learned something new about the people and places in Stittsville. Thank you to each and every resident who took the time to talk and share their ideas and questions about the community. I am also hugely thankful for my volunteer team for their help and support over the past six months”.
“I’ve started reaching out to the newly-elected councillors to offer my support and start building those relationships. And I’m also reaching out to the other candidates in Stittsville so that we can meet and talk about how we can work together on local priorities,” Gower stated.
The official results for Mayor are as follows with the elected candidate highlighted in green:

The official results for Ward 6 Stittsville Councillor are as follows with the elected candidate highlighted in green:

The official results for Zone 1 Ottawa-Carleton District School Board Trustee are as follows with the elected candidate highlighted in green:

The official results for Zone 1 Ottawa Catholic School Board Trustee are as follows with the elected candidate highlighted in green:

In advance of November 15, the Office of the City Clerk will hold orientation sessions for the Mayor-elect and Councillor-elects on topics including, but not limited to, the City’s legislative framework, council and committee procedures, the City’s budget, the Accountability Framework and introductions to the Planning Act and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Details on the Inauguration Ceremony for the 2022-2026 Term of Council will be provided at a later date.
For more information about the 2022 Municipal Elections, visit ottawa.ca/vote or contact the Elections Office. You can also connect with the City of Ottawa’s Elections Office through Facebook and Twitter.