(Dr. Adam Shoalts is best known for his solo canoe journeys, particularly in Canada’s Arctic. Dr. Shoalts will be the guest speaker at the March 23, 2022 AGM of the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust. Photo: Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust)
The Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust has invited well-known explorer, adventurer, conservationist and bestselling author Adam Shoalts to share stories of his expeditions in Canada’s wilderness with its members in association with its Annual General Meeting. He will talk about the importance of preserving wild places from remote hinterlands to places closer to home.
Best known for his long solo canoe journeys, including crossing nearly 4,000 km of Canada’s Arctic alone, Dr. Shoalts is the Westaway Explorer-in-Residence of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, and a regular guest on television and radio. His national bestselling books include – Beyond the Trees: A Journey Alone Across Canada’s Arctic; A History of Canada in 10 Maps; and, The Whisper on the Night Wind. A geographer, historian and archaeologist, Shoalts has a PhD in History from McMaster University. Learn more: www.adamshoalts.com.
The Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust Annual General Meeting and Presentation will be held on the evening of March 23rd via Zoom. For information about how to register for this and other MMLT events please visit mmlt.ca/events or call 613-253-2722. Not yet a member or need to renew your membership? Please visit www.mmlt.ca/product/mmlt-membership.