(Photos provided by Robert Dueck when on a recent dog walk.)
A new fairyland in Stittsville has been revealed. When Robert Dueck was walking his dogs on an early October morning this weekend, he unearthed this treasure of a very tiny fairy castle. “Who would have thunk!” says Robert, “I rarely carry my cell phone on these walks, but was glad I had brought it with me this time.”
Robert can only assume how much fun some youngster(s) must have had putting their imagination to action. Nice little surprise for path walkers. “It has rained over-night so the clothes line got an extra washing!” says Robert. Wondering if perhaps it is the same children that leave most interesting painted small stones along the paths in summer.
There is even a tiny bridge so the fairies can cross the glass stoned creek at night. Where is this fairyland located? It’s called the W.J. Bell Rotary Peace Park. Take a stroll through this enchanted park and see if you can come across this fairyland.
Creative kids with big imaginations.
Robert Dueck is the Conductor for the West Ottawa Ladies Chorus.