The Goulbourn Skating Club offers a wide range of programming options at the Goulbourn Recreation Complex, the Johnny Leroux Arena, and the Richmond Memorial Community Centre to provide flexibility and convenience to all of our members.
Programs offered by the club include CanSkate, Skate Canada’s learn to-skate program; StarSkate in which skaters develop their figure skating skills; CanPower which focuses on balance, power, agility, speed and endurance skills for hockey and ringette players; an Adult/Teen skating program; a Special Olympics skating program as well as Synchronized Skating.
Our Fall sessions run for the month of September, and the programs offered are Canpower, Starskate & Advanced Canskate.
Our Winter sessions run from October to March with Canskate, Canpower, Starskate, Advanced Canskate, Adult Skate, Special Olympics and Synchronized Skating available.
All programs offered by the Goulbourn Skating Club are taught by nationally certified Skate Canata instructors.
Visit our online registration page