One of the best places in Lanark County to witness a panoramic view of fall colours is from the top of Blueberry Mountain at cliffLAND – one of the highest points in Lanark County. This beautiful display of nature remains central to the Mississippi Madawaska Land Trust’s (MMLT) upcoming annual event on Saturday, October 15th.
The MMLT annual Fall Colours Walk is a special fundraising day to learn more about and help support MMLT’s conservation work. Please stop by anytime from 10:00am until 2:00pm on October 15th to celebrate the work of MMLT at their most popular fall destination. To discover Blueberry Mountain follow this link to the map: 502 Hills of Peace Road, Lanark, Ontario.
Walk the gently rising 5km trail and climb to the top of Blueberry Mountain. After all, Blueberry Mountain is one of the Seven Wonders of Lanark County! MMLT invites visitors to pause at the Circle of Gratitude along the trail to see who generously supports MMLT. Directors and volunteers from MMLT will be onsite throughout the day to answer your questions.
Visit to learn more. MMLT strives to keep the Mississippi-Madawaska wilderness protected for all time, where all species thrive and people connect with nature.
A special note that MMLT encourages you to visit any and all of their public trails this Fall to take in the spectacular show of colours. Visit to view the public properties and start planning your hikes!