(Press release from the City of Ottawa.)
The City of Ottawa will be testing about 10,000 fire hydrants in the south, central and west ends of the City beginning today and ending in October. Hydrants are inspected annually to ensure that they are ready should they be needed by Ottawa Fire Services.
While hydrants are being tested, neighbouring households may experience temporary inconveniences such as discoloured water and reduced water pressure. The discoloured water, which occurs when the testing process disturbs sediments in the water pipes, does not affect water quality but can stain laundry.
Residents are encouraged to turn off their taps for 10 to 20 minutes and to not do laundry while crews are testing the fire hydrants nearby. When work crews have left the area, turn on a cold water tap for a few minutes until the water runs clear.
The planned work schedule is posted on ottawa.ca. This will be updated regularly as work progresses. Unforeseen circumstances may require changes to the work plan, so residents should check the schedule frequently.
The City thanks residents for their patience and co-operation.