(Danny Kingsbury submitted this first prize photograph in the Water is Life class of the 2023 Stittsville Goulbourn Horticulture Society’s photo competition. Photos: Stittsville Central)
The deadline of February 6, 2024 is quickly approaching for entry submissions to the 2024 Stittsville Goulbourn Horticulture Society’s (SGHS) photo competition. There are eight classes for entries this year and two entries per class are allowed. Photos will be judged on horticultural and photographic value, appearance and impact, and must have been taken within the 2023/24 time period. The judge for this year’s photo contest is Judy Fine.
There can be two entries for each class. The 2024 photo competition classes are as follows:
Class 1: Purple is the colour of 2023: Spring flowering bulbs, flowers, grasses, or wild violets in your lawn. Use your imagination for the colour purple in Spring.
Class 2: Upcycled plant pots. Filled with vegetables, herbs, or flowers. The interesting container is your choice. Please name your flowers or vegetables.
Class 3: From September to Frost. Fall Flowers that inspire you such as Asters, Rudbeckia, and Coneflowers. Include your favourite and please name.
Class 4: Tiny Wings. Who is flying in your garden? Moths, dragonflies, wasps, bees and ladybugs. Maybe just a household fly?
Class 5: Snow in the garden. Seedheads, berries, plumes and ornamental grasses; find beauty in winter.
Class 6: Resting on the Porch. An outward view of a yard.
Class 7: Art in the garden. Art made in clay, pottery or stone or metal sculptures. Mosses on gargoyles, rocks or birdfeeders. Check out hardscaping and statues near you.
Class 8: John Curry Memorial Plaque: A horticultural newsworthy activity photograph taken within the Goulbourn area: Stittsville, Richmond, or Munster. Please include your location and details of the activity.
The John Curry Memorial Plaque is in memory of local reporter/photographer John Curry. He was at many SGHS meetings and events, taking pictures and reporting on their activities. The Plaque is given for a photograph of a horticultural activity within Goulbourn (Stittsville, Richmond or Munster) that is newspaper worthy. The winner for 2023 was Brian Beattie for his photo of volunteers at Lee Boltwood Park.
In addition, there will again be a Best in Show overall winner chosen by this year’s judge, Judy Fine. This prize wins the coveted Gillick Cup. The Gillick Cup, named in honour of Marge and Jim Gillick, is presented to the Best in Show in the photo competition. The 2023 winner of the Gillick Cup was Danny Kingsbury of Stittsville for his beautiful capture of a hummingbird.
Send entries, with the class mentioned in the subject line and each entry must be sent separately. Please email each entry to sghorticultural@gmail.com. The final date for entries is February 6, 2024. The competition winners will be announced at the SGHS meeting being held on February 20, 2024.
This competition is open to members of the SGHS. If you have any questions, please contact Penny at penny-sgreengardencare@live.ca.
Visit the SGHS website to learn more about this local horticulture organization that has been in existence for over 60 years. If you wish to join the SGHS, annual membership fees are reasonable at $15 for single and $25 for a family. You can join by sending an email to sghorticultural@gmail.com.