GAIA JAVA: Roland Doucet plays again on March 4

Roland Doucet
Roland Doucet


Roland is a real gentleman – always very willing to go the extra mile to satisfy his listeners with requests etc. and the range of audience to which he appeals covers a broad demographic!

He describes his music as ‘Swingin’ Blues and Bluesy Swing’ which fits well, but doesn’t do justice to the broad range of styles he is able to deliver from his vast repertoire of songs drawing on the last century or so. Roland’s background includes training at the Berklee School of Music in Boston, as well as immersion with the musicians in New Orleans. He is very respected in Ottawa music circles, and justifiably so – if you haven’t heard him yet, then make space in your agenda for this Friday. If you have heard him – you will probably be there anyway!

As well as continuing the musical heritage established under the previous owners, Gaia Java now boasts an enhanced culinary agenda, with delicious desserts, promising pizzas, and other tempting treats to encourage you!

We look forward to seeing you this Friday. As usual no cover charge, but we hope you will purchase a drink, something to eat, and maybe even some of the wonderful freshly-roasted coffee beans to take home with you! And there is a little jug that gratefully accepts donations aimed at the musicians.
We also have lined up some more great local artists for March & most of April:
Friday March 11th: Michael Allen – folk/pop styles with guitar & vocals
Friday March 18th: Amanda Bon with Danny Artuso on steel guitar
Friday March 25th: ‘Divided Highway’ – contemporary classic rock & country duo

Roland Doucet plays Gaia Java on Friday, March 4 at 7:00pm.

-Paul Jay


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