“Ghoul”bourn Street haunted backyard opens Oct 29-31

Joe Chenette of “Ghoul”bourn Street sent along a note to let us know that his haunted backyard will be open again this year leading up to Halloween.The display is at 42 Goulbourn Street, and is open from October 29 to 31 from 7-9 pm, with an earlier start on Halloween. Donations will be accepted for CHEO.

Chennette has been decorating his backyard for Halloween for about a decade, with the display getting bigger and bigger each year.  Donations are accepted for CHEO. You can find more info on his Facebook page.

Goulbourn Street Haunt Goulbourn Street Haunt

We want to see your photos! If you have a great Halloween display, or if you see one in your neighbourhood, send us a photo and tell us where it is. Contact us at feedback@stittsvillecentral.ca.


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